Both are old decrepit human males. Both are wrinkled, mostly bald, with shocks of white hair on the sides of their head, with large noses. Statlerus is shorter and rounder, Waldorus is taller and longer in all things.

(Think the two hecklers from the Muppet Show)

Yes, I know this should be two separate posts, but since they never seem to go anywhere without the other, they are effectively one npc

These two guildsmen have been friends since forever, yet they never agree. Unlike most people, they have paid attention to the history of things and all the news since they were born. Since they have managed to retired (too cranky to die, quips Waldorus) they now take their leisure sitting together in parks or cafes (and later - taverns) talking about the world and current events and what is wrong with everything. Since they are both fairly deaf, these discussions/ arguments are fairly loud and you can't help but overhear the two cranky men discussing what is going on in the city.

Special Equipment
A pension from their guild after they retired. Amazing. Most people do not live this long.

Roleplaying Notes
Two cranky old men with wry senses of humor - think what would happen if two Mark Twains sat next to each other drinking coffee and smoking. They like to crack jokes, usually at the expense of a political/ guild/ noble figure. They are both cynical, yet if one puts forth a cynical point, the other feels obliged to put out an opposing point. These two are great social commentators of their day. (in fact, a young writer at a nearby table or bench is copying down what they say... to create a history and commentary of sorts of the city).

They are useful to impart bits and pieces of the political and social situation to the characters. These two rant at each other as the PCs are walking by, and you get an amusing moment and a little piece of info imparted to the players. If asked something about the city or city history, they probably know the answer... and will start a rant about related subjects.

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