Author: Ok, this is my first item posting in a long time (over a month! :O) So forgive me if I'm a little rusty :)

Garyn was a simple man. A farmer by trade, and by all means with a pleasant life. As a matter of fact, it was all-but perfect, except for the fact that his wife had a tendancy to gossip with neighbors and friends, telling them things about their life that Garyn would rather keep quiet. This went on for a few years, and one friday night, when he had completed his work and gone to the bar, alcohol loosened his tongue and he spoke of his troubles to a robed man. The man, however, was more than willing to aid this friendly farmer, and he gave to Garyn a parchment. This piece of paper was completely plain, but the traveller explained to write something on there and get his wife to read it, and his troubles would be alleviated for some time.

The next day, the farmer woke up early and wrote a small letter on the parchment, stating he was going to be working on bending a hoe back in shape in the shed, and the farmer then set out to tend to the field.

The wife woke up and read the letter, nodded and went about her morning business, before going the the neighbours place. When Ms. Ferryn opened the door and greeted the wife, she opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Confused and worried, she tried again, louder, but still nothing but air. now all but terrified - for talk was about all that she did - she ran back home and entered the shed to seek the aid of her husband. Upon finding him not there, she slammed the door shut in fury. The force shook the rickety shed a bit, knocking over a few old bottles, which shattered. The smell of toxins rose in the air, and she gasped silently, turning the handle of the door to get free. But the slamming had jarred the door shut. banged on the door and tried screaming, but to no avail, for she was silent as a mouse. It wasnt half a day later that the farmer opened the shed door to gather some more supplies for his farming, and he found his wife on the ground, dead. He had been hoeing just some thirty meters away and he hadnt heard a thing.

He later found the piece of paper on the table back in the house. There was no note on it - the ink had faded away as soon as the wife had read it. Garyn threw that paper away into the wind, cursing it and the man who gave it to him.

Magical Properties:

The scroll of mute is quite simple in what it does, though it is potentially a useful item. When someone reads whatever is written on the paper, their vocals are magically halted from functioning properly, causing the person to become completely mute - not able to laugh, scream, talk, whisper or shout - for the duration of 1 hour.

The scroll can not be ripped, cut or torn in any way. Any attempt at ripping would feel as though trying to tear a strong fabric against the grain. Cutting would simply feel like you were attempting to cut through very flexible steel. Any creases on the paper fade 30 seconds after they are uncreased.

Once the scroll is read, the words on it disappear, as though the ink were seeping into the paper, absorbed. The paper must be read for it to disappear, and if it is not read, it will remain on there for centuries. if scribble is put on the paper, it will fade instantly, but a foreign language will remain. All that is required for someone to become mute from it, is someone to understand the message on it, and to read it all the way through - it does NOT have to be read aloud.


-A kidnapper can write a sentence on this paper, and show it to the person they are kidnapping. He or she will unconsciously read it (wouldnt you?) and thusly be unable to scream or shout in any way for an hour - more than enough time to abduct to a safe place.

-Sabotage. The king/lord/respected figure is preparing a speech which will decide whether or not two warring countries are going to be at peace. Slip this sheet of paper on top of his speech just before he speaks, and he will be up there, silently grasping his throat and looking nervous in front of the two countries great leaders.

-Stop your minions from spilling the beans on you: 'If you are captured, read this note, BUT NOT BEFORE you are captured.' The minion won't be able to speak no matter the torture put on. Hopefully they will think the minion mute before long.

-Relief. Got a loud, annoying person in your party. 'Say, look at this note I found!' -Shut up, fool!-
Aaah, blessed silence.

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