What does a warrior do, if he can not 'go on' anymore? Some give up, this one did not.
A man not over 40, that despite his broad shoulders and mighty body does not stand, but sits in a chair. The chair can move, wheels attached to it. ALWAYS carries a sword.
Riel was always very agile and full of energy. Inevitably, he became a warrior. Drawn towards adventure, with a few friends he enjoyed all good and bad moments, till it happened. Falling on his back in a dark pit, something has broken. While he healed perfectly of most wounds, no
healer could help him:
He could not walk. His legs did not move nor feel in any way, never more.
Desperation came at last, he sought the cure of alcohol, as much as possible. And so he happened to observe two youngsters challenging trying a duel. Much enraged with the clumsiness of both amateurs, he instructed them to the proper ways of fighting, with astonishing result:
One killed another, both died in the same moment...
After avoiding trouble with Law, his advice became suddenly highly sought after, and many were willing to pay for it. With help of friends and students the school Art of Blade was founded.
Roleplaying Notes:
Bitter sometimes, can be angry with weak or slow students. But loves good fighting and enjoys talking about heroic deeds, especially with good combat and action. Prefers adventurers to common people and can give valuable advice to bloody beginners and hardened veterans alike. Good source of interesting rumours, may occasionaly give a 'test' to his students, a DM's agent in the matter of plot hooks.
Art of Blade: the school may teach almost anyone the basics. Along with basic unarmed combat techniques, nigh to all bladed weapons can be studied and mastered in the Art of Blade. Riel is Master of most of these weapons.
The training can be hard, students are sometimes asked to leave for being unable (or unwilling) to overcome their weakness or laziness. Very important is also the sense of fairness, which is required from every student. While everyone can begin here, only those fair in matters of fight and life earn the honor to study with Master Riel and achieve mastery.
Those studying with Master Riel teach other students, with the Master watching, sometimes intervening.
Contacts: good relations with merchants, caravan masters and others in need of guards, very good relations with local blacksmiths and armourers. Complicated relations to the City Guard, as the students occasionally make trouble, Thieves Guild, for being a source of competent mercenaries and occasional source of training. May have bad relations with other schools and instructors of fighting.
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? Responses (6)

Eh? Who submitted that? Nothing if not constructive.
Just had a thought about this character: maybe he made enemies in his career as a warrior, and believes that the best way to ensnare them is through disguise. He 'injured' himself and is now renowned for being disabled, but in actual fact is just awaiting the arrival of his enemy vultures, attracted by the prospect of an easy kill, who he can then surprise and slay.

Really?! A wheelchair?! I could NEVER have thought of THAT!!!

Alright, I admit. It is a wheelchair. Please don't hurt me... *sniff*
There was this idea about a disabled man, that does something about it. Cliche, but good enough for the background of a school, slightly better than the stereotypical old-but-still-mighty warrior, I guess. As I envisioned him, a chair came naturally to mind first, wheels following soon after, for a proud man would not like to be always carried around.
Enemies OK, but faking the whole thing?
Hmmm... would require quite some wickedness (and willpower), to stay immobile for a few months/years, to gain the advantage of surprise. Let's try the middle road:
Say that the injury was real, but it began to heal, naturally or not. Riel can move a bit again, secretly training to get his former strenght and agility. And if old enemies are likely to show up, keeping his condition secret might be good idea.

We weren't getting at you, Manfred! I think the submission's a great one. It was the not-so-insightful anonymous comment which attracted my attention.
And yes I'd agree about the secret training business rather than all out pretence. When I made my comment, I was thinking about Sherlock Holmes, and how he fakes his own death to lull his enemies into a false sense of security.

I know. But I also know I can't hinder you to adapt the character to your needs. ;-)
My NPC has also now a (possible) secret, so it turned out good.

He can always upgrade later to a 4-legged animated chair.
Or be carried by a golem Master-Blaster style :)