The Path of Gakn-Shaab

The Path of Gakn-Shaab lends itself equally well to healing or injuring living or dead beings. Gakn-Shaab is the path of life and death, a combination of good and evil, meant to bring balance to the world in-between birth and death.

Hasabus'du'Gakn (The Hand/Fingers/Tendrils of Death/The Dead/Undeath)

The Hand of Gakn is one of the most unnerving objects tied to the Gakn-Shaab faith. It typically is created from the hand or foot of a still-born child. The child is typically of relation to the necromancer that harvests it, as personal ties carry powerful magic in their own rights. It enables the wearer to affect the primal senses of basic, mindless undead. The user would be able to designate themselves, or part of themselves, as food or not food. It is typically respected as fact that a fed undead being is more open to suggestions that one ravaged by hunger, so a Necromancer may opt to feed a creature a limb in order to placate it in hopes of controlling it in the near future. The extent of the effects on the intelligent dead, most vampires of litches, is unknown at this time, but may be seen as insulting to the dead in question.

Radadus'du'Shaab (The Foot/Roots/Steps of Life/Vitality/The Heart)

The Foot of Shaab is the root of a common swamp plant, treated with a paste of crushed insect carapaces and the life-blood of a sentient being. It is typically not as ill-received as the Hand of Gakn, only because it is not general knowledge that a death was neccessary for its creation. This root, once properly prepared, will cause throat and stomach ulcers if consumed but can be used to treat many flesh-manifested maladies, such as a rash or an infected wound.

Puolus'du'Baah'sn'kag (The Book/Pamphlet/Tome of Harmony/Completeness)

A small back book. Curiously, it is filled with music. It appears to be a small tome with about six dirges written is spidery blood-red text. If sung aloud, the strange words only come to your lips if forced. The exception to this is under strong emotional distress, be it sadness or a sense of loss and fear. After you have read the book, you will remember the odd alien words at these times. The words will flow from your mouth in a sweet sorrowful tune, if you let them. It is obvious that this is a songbook of an ancient religion. The songs glide off your tongue as smoothly as Elven poetry, but can be as easy to enunciate as your common tongue.

Thazibaan'du'Ga'Sha (The Shrouds/Clothing/Concealment of True Faith)

Once you have collected the proper relics, all of the above, and sang aloud Dirges of Gakn-Shaab, you are ready to take your first steps in a new, perfect, faith.

- Acquired from the Journals of Hlol of Ool Hrusp, after his assumed death in the Sewers of Nehwon.

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