The Prankster Plant looks like a small leafy fern. The only unusual aspect is that at the end of it's stems there are leaves shaped like hands.
No one really knows where the Prankster Plant came from but all indications point to a magical experiment gone wrong.
Roleplaying Notes:
The plant is imbued with a high intelligence and wicked sense of humor. It's able to uproot itself and move about on it's strong stems like a spider. Usually waiting for travelers to bed down for the night, the plant will then spend the next few hours stealing items (everything from gold to shoestrings) and framing other party members for it, getting into map cases and adding a few wrong turns, lossing straps on saddles and pouches, and just generally causing all sorts of mischief. It's incredibly hard to detect the Prankster Plant as it can move silently through the camp and let's face it, no one on watch is gonna suspect that small fern near the wagon of any wrong doing.
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? Responses (5)

How bad a riding check to they have to make to leave their horses saddled overnight? Does the fern still use sunlight for food or does it scavange food from travelers? If it is smart enough to make wrong turns on a map, can it write or communicate at all, and what would it have to say?

I like this! I find it very appealing and funny, even in its brevity.

I Loled. Imagine the trouble an infestation of these plants could do in a village or city? Cue the silly music.

I Loled as well as soon as I read the tagline.This could use more info and juicy detail, but the idea is great!

Very funny.