This order of priests worship no god in particular but watch the heavens for signs from the beings beyond. Housed in grand cathedrals that are both places of worship and great observatories where the grand cosmos can be witnessed. In the center of study are reproductions and scaled models of great spheres, moving in paths matching that of their celestial partner, in smaller scale though. In this way, the seasons can be measured, the years, months, days, hours and minutes correctly pronounced. Certain conditions of the moons and favorable positions of stars and planets are predicted and discussion and research are the order of each day. Because of the knowledge of the stars and the planets beyond and how they affect or will affect the world the priesthood is consulted by many, from farmers to Kings. Though not a superstitious practice, the priesthood will log auspicious signs, like passing comets, and tie them to the events of the world, that they can watch for those events to repeat for good or to prevent them happening again.
The one major taboo and most punishable act is to forge or change records for favorable or negative result, which is punishable by death or expulsion.