while sailing around an unmapped archipelago, an island comes into view, dominated by twin mountains at it's center, it's peaks clouded in mist. docking at a non-descript coastal fishing village, the characters hear strange tales of giants dwelling in the mountains.
The giants according to the villagers tend to not attack or otherwise harass the humans living on the coasts, spending most of their time warring among themselves...there are even some souvenir shops which sell among other things giants teeth, hair, and the occasional 'giants sack' oddity..

there are indeed two tribes of giants on the island, one mountain ruled by Utar the Mighty and his Mountain Giant clan, the other by Heorvaren and his extended family of Mist Giants...

After killing one mountain giant (as the characters explore the isle), with the help of magic (party mage necessary), the characters are approached by another who had witnessed the fireball/lightning(?) display...

he claims that his great chief Utar the Mighty has long searched for a human mage, and requests (demands)that the characters come with him to the hall of the mountain king...

upon meeting Utar, a truly filthy mountain giant reclining on a huge stone throne (pet cave bears curled up in balls at his feet), inside a monstrous cavern, the chief shows the characters fascinating cave drawings depicting what appears to be a saga of Mountain giants battling Mist giants in an eternal struggle...the picture story seems to culminate with a depiction of a small being (human?) leading the mountain giants to victory, as waves of fire/lightning (?) stream from his outstretched hands...

Obviously Utar believes that he has finally 'found' his wizard, and offers the mage of the party a giant sack which the character may fill at his/her discretion in the treasury of the mountain giants, if he/she agrees to lead the remaining mountain giants (only a handful left....they are dying out) in one final desperation attack on the neighboring mountain of Heorvaren's Mist Giants....

the role-playing and plot twists one can fiddle around with from here are too numerous to list.....

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