Mallow appears as a small gnomish-creature with soft brown hair, emerald eyes and the smoothest skin you ever felt. He stands about one foot tall and seems very cheerful all of the time. He pretends to enjoy the company of young children so they will fall asleep holding him; lovingly stroking his dreamily smooth skin and gazing into his beautiful emerald eyes.

'Dream a dream, my soul transcend
Squeeze my heart, beg for the End.
Children’s friend, my thoughts misplaced
The velvet kiss, The Gnome’s Embrace!

Mallow, Mallow, Take me to the Nightmare’s Gallow
Naked minds are yours to harrow.
Warm my bones, but leave my marrow.

Mallow, Mallow, oh so tragic
Run away, I’ll steal your magic!'
- Children’s Rhyme about Mallow

Mallow was born of chaos in a far corner of the world, far from civilization. He has always been a very lonely creature, seeking companionship from the time he was born. He started his life feeding off the weak dreams of baby animals. As he got closer to the known world. He could sense more complex dreams, human dreams. He lusted after them. He had to have them. Now he quests for dreams in the human lands, never satisfied. He is belived to be only a legend told by older children to the younger ones to keep them up at night. But, i assure you, he is real and dangerous.

Mallow is a horrible Gnome-like creature that feeds off the pure dreams of children then when he has fed enough he tears himself from their minds and drives them insane. He fears being held for too long because he thinks he might leak some of his magic into others and doesn’t want to share.

Plot Hooks
- Mallow has invaded a small town and is going from household to household maddening children. It’s up to the PCs to find Mallow and put a stop to him.

- Mallow hitches a ride with the PCs as a child’s toy, one of the PCs (preferably a big burly fighter type) finds it cute and sleeps with it. I wonder, what could Mallow could do with an adult’s mind?

- A few years ago Mallow found a nice Gnomish wife. Now he has a family of twisted dream-eating Gnome-spawn running around the nearby country causing chaos among families with children. Each of Mallow’s children seems to have grown stronger than him. Somehow they can induce slumber and rot brains of even the most fussy children.

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