The Guild of Technomancers has discovered the Grand Forge of Karak. After hearing the legends that no one could use the forge without getting some kind of health issue due to an invisible but unknown force, the guild decided to investigate this for themselves.

Knowing that it was used to forge heat resistant metals it was suspected that a very dangerous heat source was being used to power it. As such Hazard Shields were used to protect against any potential invisible chemical or elemental dangers.

Readings in the forge detected a Level 4.5 Radiation Hazard. The heat source of the Forge seems to be a series of materials that create a natural fission reaction. The same kind of reaction found in a nuclear reactor core.

Gieger Counters measured the emissions at an exposure of 100 Rem per every 8 hours. This is 100 Rads every eight hours. Levels this high are extremely dangerous. As such, the area is classified as a Level 5 Radiation Hazard Zone.

This means maximum containment measures are put into place.

Although the forge itself has not been touched, the Guild of Technomancers built the Karak Forge Containment Facility as a reinforced building designed to isolate and contain all of the radiation inside the forge and prevent it from reaching the environment.

Working in the Forge requires the use of Level 5 Radiation Hazard Suits. These are basically full body suits of armor that provide complete shielding from all forms of radiation up to Level 5.

Inside this large building are the following sections/rooms >>

The Hazmat Sector >> This is where the Forge and its critical rooms are located. In the event of an incident, shielded blast doors will automatically seal off all of the rooms in this sector.

The following rooms make up the Hazmat Sector >>

The Grand Forge: This is the actual Forge itself. It is located in the innermost part of the facility and is behind multiple thick layers of containment and shielding designed to block gamma radiation. Inside this room, Level 5 Radiation Hazard Suits are required for entry and personnel are limited to a maximum of 12 hours a day per safety protocols. Also there must be at least three people inside at any given time.

Forge Access Airlock: This is the entrance to the Grand Forge and is the last room you must pass through before accessing the forge. The airlock consists of two three foot thick shielded steel blast doors secured with a hermetic lock. Security codes are required to open these doors and there is a scanner that checks to see if a person approaching has a Hazard Suit on. No Hazard Suit and the doors will not open until one is put on. Only one door can be open at a time.

Decontamination: This area contains the Decontamination Showers which personnel use to clean themselves up after being inside the Forge. Hazard Suits are also cleaned in this area as well.

Hazard Suit Storage: Hazard Suits are stored in this area when not in use. When personnel enter the Forge, they must retrieve one from here and put it on before the doors to the Forge will open for them. When they are finished, the suit is taken off and returned here.

Hazmat Atrium: This large room connects the Forge Access Airlock to Decontamination, Hazard Suit Storage, Hazmat Infirmary, Hazmat Utility Areas. and the Hazmat Security Station.

Hazmat Infirmary: This room is where all injuries resulting from radiation exposure are treated.

Hazmat Utility Areas: This system of rooms and tunnels house the utility equipment such as gas, water, electric, etc. for the Hazmat Sector.

Hazmat Security Station: This hallway contains the security checkpoint that controls access to the Forge. Bioscan Arrays are installed and will not allow any unauthorized personnel through the blast gates. This hall also contains Radiation Sensors that will scan for any radiation before allowing personnel through. If any contamination is detected, an alarm will sound and the gates will not open until the contamination is removed. The other thing is that the checkpoint will not open the gates while a Hazard Suit is detected. This is a countermeasure to prevent them from being stolen.

Hazmat Access: This hallway acts as a buffer between the Main Sector and the Hazmat Sector and contains multiple shielded blast doors that will seal shut in the event of a containment or security breach. The lockdown sequence is activated automatically or manually.

The Main Sector >> This sector contains the areas that make up the general access sections of the facility. Security is less strict in this sector then in the Hazmat Sector.

The following rooms make up the Main Sector >>

North Hallway: This hallway connects Hazmat Access with the West and East Hallways, Observation Room, Main Atrium, and the Infirmary.

West Hallway: This hallway connects the Main Atrium with the North and South Hallways, Security Center, and Admin Offices.

East Hallway: This hallway connects the Main Atrium with the North and South Hallways, Central Control Room, and Utility Areas.

South Hallway: This hallway connects the Main Atrium with East and West Hallways, Data Storage, and the Entrance Security Station.

Main Atrium: This is the central hub and contains various miscellaneous things unrelated to the other areas.

Entrance Security Station: This area contains the security checkpoints and controls access to the Main Sector. Bio-scan arrays authenticate personnel prevent unauthorized personnel from passing the blast gates. These gates can be locked to block off all access. This area connects the Main Entrance to the South Hallway.

Observation Room: This large room monitors the Grand Forge and its containment measures for any issues as well as the radiation levels to ensure that things remain stable. It controls the complex arrays of sensors and heat monitors in the Hazmat Sector and also has the ability to lock down the Hazmat Sector. Video monitoring of the Hazmat Sector is also done here.

Infirmary: This is the room where treatment of all non-radiation injuries that take place in the facility occur.

Security Center: This large room monitors and controls all of the security systems in the entire facility which includes the Hazmat Sector. Cameras, security sensors, alarms, and security doors are all controlled from here.

Admin Offices: This area contains the offices in which all of the paperwork and other administrative tasks are conducted.

Central Control Room: This large room monitors and controls all of the utility, computer, and other general systems that run the facility. It also has network connections to the Observation Room and Security Center.

Utility Areas: This system of tunnels and rooms contain all of the utility systems such as electrical, pipes, vents etc. The Hazmat Sector has its own Utility Areas.

Data Storage: This is the room where all of the servers are kept. In these servers are the network drives for all the computers in the entire facility. All data is securely encrypted and hardware security appliances prevent intrusions from hackers.

Main Entrance: All personnel enter and exit the building through this area which also contains the reception desks. There are also one-way emergency exits that are located throughout the facility as well. Security doors in this area can be closed in the event of an emergency.

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