Filename: Kaneko Mitsuhiko

Morphology: Standard Human

Race: Rokugani

Sex: Male

Current Age: 20

Occupation: Rice Farmer

Current Residence: Yamana Castle

Faction/s: Phoenix and Tankado Clans.

Background: This individual has an unusual history. Born under a family of humble rice farmers, Kaneko has been working the fields for 5 years. However he has been constantly harassed by three samurai by the names of: Kudo Toshinaga, Kawguchi Arimoro, and Fujioji Mitsusane. All bushi of the Lion Clan.

However his fortune changed when he found a full set of armor and swords on a nearby battlefield and decided to wear it when out and about as a disguise to avoid the three samurai. This worked for a week or three until the three samurai decided to follow him home. When they found out he was just using the garbs of a samurai to hide his identity, they were enraged and tried to murder him and his family.

He managed to flee with his family and hide inside the cursed Yamana Castle. This is a large place. As large as a castle on earth known as Osaka Castle. The armor and weapons are still inside the castle and have been collecting dust for about 60 years now. Yamana Castle is haunted by a vengeful spirit. The wife of the former lord named Akita Yoshiyo who lived in the place who met a terrible fate 60 years ago. We are still looking into what that was.

Current Status: Currently he and his family are under the protection of the Phoenix and Tankado Clans. Both of these clans are extremely close allies who's Daimyo have tight knit connections. He and his family have set up another rice farm in a location right next door to the castle. While this protection is working so far, certain families within the Lion Clan are hunting them down to rectify some dishonor. We still don't know what that is.

This protection however might not last long though. Since this is technically within Lion Clan territory, if the Phoenix or Tankado Clans cause too much drama, it could start a war with Lion Clan. While the Phoenix Clan is careful not to provoke, the Tankado Clan, not so much. Relocation into the nearby Phoenix Clan territory might be required.

Addendum 01: Something extremely unusual has occurred. A small group of 5 Lion Bushi attempted to storm the castle and almost managed to reach the upper chambers. However, we learned that Akita Yoshiyo attacked them. What is unusual about this is that the spirit seems to ignore the farmers and the people protecting them, anyone who shows aggression towards them are attacked.

End of line.

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