A typical Pelamid is a close match to the local average human, being pale among pale folk and dark among dark. They do tend to be a bit shorter and stockier in build, with what some would consider to be overly large hands and feet. Pelamid feet demonstrate considerable webbing, and the toes are quite long. Close examination reveals a nictating membrane that protects the eye underwater, closable nostrils, small ears, a gill slits below the jaw line.

The pelamid physiology presents two major weaknesses for the race in general, dehydration and aerosol vulnerability. Their open gills, which allow them to breath underwater, are their main mode of oxygenation. If the gills dry out, the Pelamid essentially suffocates. This translates to Pelamids either remaining immersed in water most of the time, or comsuming large amounts of liquid to keep the feathery gills moist enough to transfer oxygen into their blood. The other weakness is that the gills have no sort of nasal buffer to prevent airborn contaminants from entering the bloodstream. Airborn poisons, and cloud based poison spells, and the like affect the Pelamids with twice the effect that most humans would suffer.

Neither Land, Nor Sea
The Pelamids are possibly one of the oldest of the humanoid sub-races, and exist as a sort of missing link between humans and true merfolk. As such, they have suffered from persecution from both sides, as humans consider the pelamids freaks, and merfolk think of them as little more than unwelcome intruders and pretenders. As such, they have never created a culture of their own, and instead exist as social parasites. They have borrowed their language and use a modified version of the local mythology and history.

Most Pelamids form small enclaves in human communities, living in flooded or highly flood prone areas since they have no aversion to water. These ares tend to be slums and shanty towns, hosts to large numbers of criminals and given a blind eye by the powers that be. Growing up in such a locale, many pelamids enter into criminal occupations as often as being fishermen or trappers. This preference for thievery does little to improve the general opinion of the pelamids.

There have been many New Takes done on the various fantasy races, but one remains untouched, the humans. Of course this is for a reason, as we are humanity, and there are very few games that do not have humans, or a race are default humans. The default human race can be picked out by being the dominant race usually in terms of numbers and adaptability. The Humanoids freetext has been used to gather together the variations of what humans could be in a fantasy setting.

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