Full Description
Grolens are reminicent of frogs or toads. They are thin winged humanoids, approximately 4 feet tall (1.2M) with a 10 foot wingspan (2.5M). Their skin is greenish grey and is bumpy. In the wrong light, it could be a stone camoflauge pattern. Their broad feet and hands are webbed. The webbing is not used for swimming, but for creating suction to stick to smooth rocks. Each finger or toe has a sharp talon, good for ripping flesh or hooking onto rocks. Their eyes are wide and bulgy. Their mouth is broad and unlike a frog's, filled with two rows of razor sharp teeth. They have a forked tongue. Their wing appear to be batlike, long membranes between thin fingers.

Grolens are better gliders and flyers. Their territorial and pack mentality (4-6) make them dangerous ambush predators in mountain passes.

a) Their vision is deep into heat spectrum. That is how they can spot so many targets against the cold stone.

b) They will utilize tools they find (spears knives and such), but they can't make anything.

c) They are warm blooded, but they conserve energy by being lathargic in the cold and sunning their wings to warm themselves.

d) They can hybernate at the drop of a hat. The troop will often goto sleep in an ambush position, to be awakened at a moment's notice.

There are more frog-like variations of this species. They are perfectly amphibeous, using their wings to 'swim' as well as fly (limitedly).

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