Full Item Description
Formerly a milky white gem, that has been transformed into a beautiful, wine-colored jewel.
A seemingly unfinished vineyard and distillery near Great Forks produced this dark, red gem. The wood substructure grew with vines, sprouted leaves, and bore fruit from the influence of the natural demense it had been built on. In the cornerstone of the main building a white jewel had been placed for good luck and as a symbol of two families joined in marriage, the land from the daughters dowery. The white jewel acted as a focus and was changed.
Magic/Cursed Properties
When planted near a wooden structure it will take root and produce vines and grapes, which when harvested and fermented produces a legendary wine no other can match. The vines are rampant, growing at a rate of an acre an hour only stopping when no support structure can be found or the gem is removed from the area, these vines are strong, resilient against anything but fire before breaking, and can continue to grow as long as the gem is still planted. When used in a socket in armour or even in jewelry, the gem sprouts it's own vines covering the entirety of the user adding the resiliency to an already existing armour or creating its own upon the wearers clothes, but now the armour is covered with grapes and leaves giving the user a bonus to stealth with its camouflage in the wild but not in a cityscape or places where the natural growth would seem out of place (GMs call). If the gem is removed from the ground of the vineyard, the vines stop growing and lose most of their strength, dieing within a week, if removed from a socket the grapevines die immediately. The Gem is not to be used lightly, if the wearer has low strength or low constitution the vines are likely to root the wearer to the ground, or if worn to sleep near supporting structures the PC may become the basis of a new Vineyard.