Full Description
This insidious creature is gifted with the ability to assume the form of either an alluringly beautiful man or woman with charms that none can resist. When it seduces a mortal of the opposite sex into copulating with it,it imbues the unfortunate mortal with it\'s progeny. The little Gahol develops in the unsuspecting\'s mortal\'s body for five days until it finally emerges out of the unfortunate\'s person\'s chest,killing him or her. It is utterly loyal to it\'s parent and nutures him with some of its own energy through a psychic umbilical cord when it feeds on the passion and lust generated by it\'s victim during the act of copulation. The stronger and more passionate the act of love making,the greater the energy leached.

The Gahol itself has no sex and in its true form, is a gruesome looking creature that resembles nothing so much as a giant slug endowed with five, thin spidery limbs that end in hooked claws. In some primitive cultures, the Gahol are worshipped as gods of fertility since it is believed that they bless the farms and livestock of their victims and bring good fortune to those that their dead mortal lovers leave behind. They are so revered that some of them have even become god-kings who ensure plenty for their people in return for dedicated clerics who make the ultimate act of sacrifice by serving as the incubation vessels for the Gahol\'s spawn. The most famous of these demonic kings, was Halso the Handsome, slain by the minions of an envious fellow demon.

Gahol are extremely vain and never allow themselves to be seen in their true form. Some scholars say that the Gahol are so ashamed of their true form that if seen in it by any mortal, they will drop dead of utter embarassment on the spot. Their false beauty means a lot to them and they will do everything in their power to ensure that none find out the truth behind the dazzling masks they wear. They are also huge ego animals and are easily flattered by any kind of praise,especially that which is showered on their precious beauty.

Additional Information
Unlike the rest of demonic kind, the Gahol are actaully fond of humans and bask in their adoration. It flatters them immensely that these lovely beings are mesmerized by the guise they have adopted, and they will go to great lengths to ensure that they retain the devotion of their delectable adherants, adopting an attitude of generosity and even affection that would nauseate and sicken other fiends. For this reason, the Gahol are often inviting victims for a more conventional demon intent on sating his apetite for sowing carnage and misery.

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