On a warm summers day travel through the woods, the players encounter a section of forest that is cooler than the rest. While the air feels pleasant, it is filled with silence. A silence broken only be the tinkling sound of a solitary fariy crying, a sound like small crystals breaking.

Her small fairy body is scratched badly, but no longer bleeding. When she sees the players, she rushes over and frantically pleas for help.

'My whole nest has been destroyed by evil ghosts! They appeared in town and started eating all my friends! I'm only alive because I ran away when I started sneezing. Ghosts don't just scare me, I'm allergic. My hair changes color ever time I sneeze! I knew that when I started sneezing, it had to be ghosts or some other dead, scary thing, so I ran! Well, ghosts or blueberry pie, the only other thing I'm allergic to.
'You have to help me! Our nest watched over a glade, a glade of great power. If the ghosts stay there, they'll kill it. If it dies, instead of spreading life through the forest, it will spread death! Everyone who walks through the forest will get sick and make everyone they meet sick and everybody will DIE!!!'


'I don't suppose any of you has a blueberry pie?' *shudder, shudder*

The players are then attacked by 2d4 fairy wraiths. They are small things, only 12 inches high, but their attacks can pass through any non-magical protection, dealing 1d6 damage a turn. They are incorpreal, and can only be hurt by magical weapons, direct light, or blessed fire. A normal blessing on a normal torch will suffice. They each have 1d8+3 hp.

In addition to the fairy wraiths in the ambush, there are 4d6 more at the glade. If they can drive off or destroy the fairy wraiths, they will have the gratitude of the spirit of the forest and be blessed with good health (+1 con, better healing, resitance to disease, pick something) The spirit is saddened by the fairy's loss, but asks if she can join the party to look for a new gaurdian for the glade, unless there is one suitable and willing in the party.

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