
Within Tyren, all of creation is formed of the five elements that comprise Dol: Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and Void. If one can manipulate the elements, one can do just about anything, though that is not to say that it wouldn't be nigh-impossible to do so. All the elements are a part of the world, but the composition of elements within an object or creature will determine its properties.

For example, a log is comprised of all five elements to some extent, but Fire is by far the dominant element, so a log will burn better than a rock, which is mostly Earth. By the same token, a breeze is almost totally comprised of Air, so it can neither burn, it's not very visible, and it's very light.

Breakdown of the Elements

Fire is the element of change. If an object has an abundance of Fire energy, it will tend to be active and easy to change or be changed. People with an abundance of Fire energy will be very active and agressive, with fiery personalities.

Water is the soft element. If an object is of Water, it will tend to be very permeable and flowing. Obviously water is the best example, but any liquid will be mostly Water. People with lots of Water energy are primarily soft-spoken, defensive by nature, and liquid in their movements (active, but not always in motion like a Fire is).

Earth is the enduring element. With an abundance of Earth, both people and things are going to be solidly built and generally immovable (heavy is the word that comes to mind). Earth-type people are passive in most circumstances, to the point that in a fight they will simply endure. The classic 'tank' character is an Earth-type.

Air is fast. Quick, fast, always moving, always in motion. Things comprised of air are going to be very lightweight, delicate, and generally happy-looking. Flowers, trees, pretty things, all are Air objects. In a fight, an Air-type person will always be moving, twisting and dodging every attack, retaliating whenever they can. A mongoose is a good example of an Air creature.

And lastly, we come to Void. Void is that which fills the gaps, not the mere nothingness that most people assume it is. In order to define what something is, you have to define what it is not. Void is the not. It is pure energy, lacking a material form. People and objects are not going to be primarily Void-based, because Void is energy. That said, every living creature has at least some Void in them, because Void permeates nothing as much as it does blood. Blood holds power, and thus is the only true example of material Void.

The Centas

Within the world itself, each element has a 'Master' of sorts, known as the Centas ('Lord' in the Old Speech). Numbered five are they, and to the human mind they are limitless in their power, for they are the purest manifestations of Dol within the world. Volcentas, the Lord of Fire; Cascentas, the Lord of Water; Silcentas, Lord of Earth; Ortcentas, the Lord of Air; Zuncentas, Lord of the Void. Each had complete dominion over their section of the Elements, as well as a direct link to Dol.

When the world was first created by Trigu, and the Centas with it, they were charged to maintain and preserve the world and the elements, keeping all things pure. However, when L'ruhk became a Fallen Creation, he spread corruption across the face of the world, infecting everything, including the Centas. As such, four Centas became self-centered and arrogant, and are now reduced to bickering and in-fighting, each wishing to become the total master of all five elements.* The only one who has not succumbed to this madness is Zuncentas, who due to his nature kept a closer connection to Trigu, and is unaffected by the corruption that L'ruhk spreads.


*The Four are able to justify this to themselves by having created minor elementals to administrate over each element, thereby giving the Centas time to fight amongst themselves.

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