Full Item Description


The system was produced by the E-Terr Corporation, one of the major munition conglomerates employed by the Terran Armed Forces. It was intended to provide isolated outposts with heavy law-enforcement capability. A fronteersman is not expected to deal with minor infractions that can easily be handled between setters, but intended to combat brigands, pirates and deal with civil unrest.

Operating far from any backup, this duty is very hazardous and this combat system was designed to produce the maximum local support and mission flexibility.

In the vast expanse of the Thousand Worlds, the TWN cannot be everywhere, and so on many a lonely outpost, a single Fronteersman is often the sole bastion of law and order.

For long range transport, the Fronteersmen employ an assortment of military and civialian (though modified) vehicals, but on normal patrol, they employ their wonderful mount.

The Horse is both transport and logistics. This creature is an engineered lifeform combining both genetic engineering and cybernetic systems. It is as heavily armored as the Fronteersman himself, and contains a variety of offensive and support systems:

Parts Replicator: Capable of assembling small items from resources either already carried or obtained locally. Device complexity can be quite high depending on the capability of the purpose-built Quantum CPU.

"Lance" laser: The pommel of the Horse’s saddle includes a hookup for the T80 light laser - a model normally employed on light armored vehicals and combat robots. When not in use the weapon is slung along side the horse. When emplaced, the weapon uses the horse’s own integral fusion powerplan to provide excellent capacity.

Magic/Cursed Properties
Actually a small combat team.

Horse, Hawk, Hound and Trooper

The Horse provides primary locomotion, power and logistics.

The Hawk provides reconnasiance and minor harrasment capabilites. It can also function as an anti-tank missle, though this of course destroys the hawk.

The Hound also provides scouting capability, but is also useful for capturing criminals and tracking. In extremis, it can also self destruct, with a sub-nuclear yield.

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