Cervitaur, otherwise commonly referred to as Deertaur, for the eccentric, old King by his Royal Court Wizard.
The shy critters managed to strive on and soon took over the habitats of the original deer.
The Deer is seen nibbling on twigs and leaves by the roadside, while they can make due with grass and other herbs most of the year. Otherwise, they love to frequent the feeding station crafted for then and other scant critters.
The Deer was about a foot, or as much as one and a half in height; which doubled in the new Taur form.
As slender and graceful as the Deers had been; that is now exaggerated considerably. Adding what appears to be an elfish torso between the shoulders and the neck, while maintaining the same bodily mass had its trade-offs.
The Deer is a reddish brown, while the belly and front all the way up to the lower lip is a bright white.
The slender hands have been given a few features; like the white suction cup covering the palm of the hands, and the sensitive, brightly cerise pads covering the finger from the final joint, and semi square effeminate nails.
The fur shifts from the brown summer's coat, to a snow white and much longer during the colder months of the winter.
If they live close to a community, she may develop limited language skills and pick up a small vocabulary.
Naturally, just like any other Deer, they are strictly vegetarians. As a mammal, they rear the young in much the same way as well.
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? Responses (3)

So a centaur but with a deer instead of a horse, and less than two feet high! The cuteness alone makes them neat for inclusion in a game.
The choice have it 'take over the habits of the original deer' is interesting. This is a little harrowing for me - do the lords and ladies send out hunting parties for cervitaur instead of venison? That would seem close to cannibalism, and if they are moderately intelligent that would be quite unethical.
I'd see them more as a race unto themselves, kind of like elegant kobolds. They'd have cute stampedes through the forest, wielding their horsebows and short spears, only to surround and take your party down Gulliver's Travels style.

It is just as easy to make your taur based on the Deer as the Horse. The cuteness can't be denied, and I hope it adds something to the game for the once including it.
I like to imagine that this could be part of why the taur pushed the original deer out, while it would make the original hunt less enjoyable. They would find other pray/game to hunt in order to have the same satisfaction. That certainly is an issue with the hunt.
With the size in mind, I think it is tulips or similar plants in your garden that is to suffer the stampede, if you live close by a forested area. While I guess they could craft and handle a bow or even a crossbow, they are still vegetarians.
Since you inspired the idea, is there any people/life-form small enough to mount them or find interest in keeping them as pets?