The Bubble Charm protects a wearer by reducing the amount of incoming damage dealt to them. This doesn't raise their armor class, health, or other facets of combat, it just acts as damage reduction.

Basic Bubble Charm - reduces damage by 5% or 1 point, whichever is more. Basic Bubble Charms are relatively common, sometimes even available as folk/hedgemage charms that work once, and the one point of damage they negate destroys them.

Regular Bubble Charm - reduces damage by 10% or 1 point, whichever is more. As above, folk charm versions exist.

Good Bubble Charm - reduces damage by 15% or 2 points, whichever is more.

Superior Bubble Charm - reduces damage by 20% or 3 points, whichever is more.

Epic Bubble Charm - reduces damage by 33%, or 5 points,  whichever is more.

Legendary Bubble Charm - reduces damage by 50% or 10 points, or whichever is more.

Notable Bubble Charms:

Bauble of the Black Swordsman - this tassel was part of the Black Swordsman's sword and granted the legendary 50%/10 damage reduction feat, which he combined with several other armor buffing, and regeneration relics that allowed him to face the majority of foes without dodging, evading, blocking, or parrying. Only a foe capable of dealing a large amount of damage in a single attack could actually harm him, which was temporary, as all the regen buffs restored his full health in seconds. Rather than being a combat monster, hero, or villain, the Black Swordsman is more remembered as a melancholy individual who seemed just tired of existing, and that fighting was pointless.

Author's Note:

This is a cheapie, really intended to knock some of the Vietnamese spam off the main page until someone with more admin privs, or computer savvy than me deals with them

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