Full Item Description
Bogsrune a translucent gem of darkness and despair. all who have set eyes upon it have basked in its power and fallen in there greed. a host of the purest evil has been forced to dwell within the hart of this magnificent prison. To gaze upon this shroud of darkness is to be ensnared in it magical bonds forever.
Only to be place on a weapon (as the creators saw this as an extension of power) this gem will automatically mold itself with any magical weapon that it comes into contact with. unlike the power drain a mortal will experience when holding this gem, a weapon will lose some of its power while the remaining powers will be greatly increased.
A small clan of exiled elves from the shadow realm, known only to themselves as the death mages created this artifact with the hope of controlling all dark magic.
Wizards lured to the artifact with the promise of false power have their own power slowly drained. Foolishly they clung to the gem trying to find some salvation of their powers lost.
The death mages fought over who the combined power should go too until the tension created a civil war. The remaining elves could no longer control the power of the gem and it slowly drained them of their magical powers in ill they were forced to dispose of it.
The messenger to the gods who found the gem and knew its power attempted to take it and use the power himself but he alone was not strong enough. The gods looked down and saw this grew worried because if something had the power to drain their messenger it could accumulate enough magic to one day pose a threat to them. The gods did not know its weakness therefore did not know how to destroy it, cast it to the farthest corner of the plains and buried it in the deepest lair the could find hoping that no one would ever find it and be able to unlock its power to use against them.
Now it lies under a shroud of mystery as a gem that only the most powerful beings could control but as more and more wizards that succumbed to its power the stronger it grew until no one could control it and it was lost to all the realms.

Magic/Cursed Properties
This gem feeds off of dark magic and the only thing it fears is direct sunlight as that forces it to slowly release its power.
To the light wizard Bogsrune looks like a normal stone and nothing of value. to the dark wizard Bogsrune gives small amounts of power to lead them to a false since of security but slowly it drains the magical power out of its holder and adds it to its own stock hold of abilities.
It waits for a dark wizard with enough power to control it and take charge of all the realms.

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