An ideal battle plan.
Ideally, the Nobles should be the ones taking the lead on the forefront. Not cowering behind their walls. This is the ideal scenario for preparing for war.
LOCATION >> Duchy of Etroupirean
As of now, the Orc Tribes in the badlands have united against the Duchy and are mounting a major offensive campaign. So far they have been advancing from the Northern Border and have taken out the towns of Madward, Shimmershear, Shroudhost, Basinlight, and Clearmoor. They were completely caught off guard and there are no survivors as far as we know. All other towns and villages have not been affected yet.
The major cities of Steepwallow, Madhall, Lostdale, and Swiftvale are already setting up defensive fronts. The capitol city of Eastminster is going to be our primary command center.
All noble land holdings and dwellings have be converted into shelters for the vulnerable and wounded people as mandated. Counts Harry Coombes, Tristan La-Minnings, Kent Larson, and Lucius Stuart-Lane are going to stay and defend their holdings to secure the 4 bottlenecks that the enemy will be forced to go though to reach the inner regions.
Duke Reginald Hargreave will be leading the main charge against the Orc Forces alongside Counts Ralph Wellington and Barnaby Quentin.
All minor nobles have also been activated and half of them will be leading the rear guard while the other half will be assisting in tending to the wounded and vulnerable.
The Ducal Palace has been successfully converted into the primary shelter for the capitol city. The combat capable people are going to be mounting the defenses of that shelter.
Evacuations of the vulnerable to the nearest shelters is ongoing. All others are joining the fight.
King Felix Conwyn alongside Queen Tiffany Conwyn are arriving at the Duchy with support from the Royal Army as the Duchy is the main obstacle that seperates the Badlands from the rest of the Kingdom. King Felix will join the Duke in the main charge after rallying the men from the remaining towns and villages to fight alongside him. while Queen Tiffany will take care of the rear defenses.
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? Responses (2)

For anyone who's wondering, this IS in fact how most historical societies did warfare; nobles were expected to lead their people by EXAMPLE, that's why they led the charge like you often see on the silver/small screen. And in societies in which warrior women were a known and accepted thing, women WOULD in fact make up the rear guard that'd DEFEND the home base while the men fought on the front lines, which's arguably an even MORE important job in warfare. That's the REAL reason mentions of warrior women are rare and exceptional even in societies in which warrior women were a proper thing; not because warrior women were rare as a WHOLE (except for in any society adhering to one of the Abrahamic religions because of their tyrannical doctrines and the rigid box they put women in), but simply because the records we have are of battles on the FRONT lines, where it was USUALLY just men, making a warrior womans presence more exceptional and noteworthy.

this would probably benefit from some sort of map. Or link to a map. Otherwise it is largely a list of names and places with little to no context.