Setrof Reyem

Setrof's is the son of Reyem, an outcast Kazi chief, (a 'kleggich'). Reyem's reign over his Kazi tribe was only a few seasons due to his love for a single female. Kazi are strongly polygamous and Reyem's outward rejection of this conduct was seen as disrespectful and a possible weakening of the tribal linage. The female was killed for bewitching the kleggich. The chief's position was challenged and with his only love dead, Reyem had no will to fight. Sentenced to become a lower class Kazi, Reyem set about escaping the punishment and disfigurement of the 'nuchnibi'.

Reyem travelled far from his home lands in the Southern Desert. He made way on his own or sometimes as a tracker and guide for desert adventurers. It was on one of these treks, whilst wandering the Djaraha desert of Calcobrina, that he rescued a Seitch female named Setr (Set-rah). Even tho Setr was a strong, young, healthy female, she too had been outcast. Left to die in a desert pit. Setr was a half cast, part Seitch warrior and part Latrini Orc, the Sietch could not allow Setr to breed and taint their blood line and so she had been cast aside, to die.

For many years Setr and Reyem travelled together. Leaving footprints in the sands of many of this worlds deserts and also spawning a boy child, whom they named Setrof.

Setrof trekked with and learned his parents ways. The way and strength of warriors, the intelligence and planning of a kleggich, the knowledge and life of the deserts.

The bardic influence of his fathers tribal ways have given Setrof the ability and forethought, to capture in writ, tales of some of his desert meanderings. Life, as he has observed in these sand filled wastelands.

One is captivated and lulled by his fables, his stories have even been cited by various biologists and anthropologists in a supportive role to their own documentation, as if they were fact. While there is evidence to suggest that some, if not allot, of Setrof's tales support known facts, one must be careful of the subtle boundaries of 'poetic licence' that he uses to weave his myths, fables and legends.

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Saffeena Tabee'a

The tale of the ship of nature.

My name is Setrof Reyem. I am "abumm walad", child of Setr and Reyem. As a young ibn, I walked the sands of the deserts of this world. At an early age I was introduced to a people called the Ynemn. I dwelt among these people for many sana and listened to the whisperings of the "layl ree'h", the night winds. The layl ree'h is spoken only at sunrise and sunset, the time of "aker". A collection of stories, words and phrases that is passed on from mouth to mouth within the Ynemn people. I find their fable, "Ilhahi rou'h shenalam", divine beginning of eternity on earth and that of our own, the ancient "Keetab Hayat" book of life, synonymous. What I tell you now is the "Saffeena Tabee'a", the fable of a ship that transported life to earth from the "divinity of ahrkeydeeuh", the heavens. It was that, which brought mother nature herself, the "Emn", to this terene.

Void was the terene, jujune and unspoken among the heavens. A vile place of boiling sand winds. Dune rose upon dune like waves upon the tempest sea, a sea of sand and lifeless rock. High above this insignificant terene were the heavens. Whilst spending time at pleasure in the firmament, the goddess E'ta (ay tah) plucked a seed from a heavenly tree and with vacant thought threw it from her eternal home. This seed of divine nature, sailed from the elysian world of the immortals, blown and carried on the ethereal winds. Like a ship traversing the great oceans it carried its precious cargo.

From the lofty places of the gods it fell, heading towards the terene and breathing fire into its sand laden sky's. Compared to this world it was a giant and with a mighty explosion and eruption it displaced the dunes of sand into molten, skyward plumes. Spires and caves of glass formed as the intense heat acted upon the sand, the seed ploughed further and buried itself deep. A glassy road, bubbled and cooled, it lead the way to the seeds resting place like a driveway to a great crystal palace.

But the palace did not last long. The sands returned, blown by the winds, in vengeance to smite and smother this new arrival to the terene. It filled the caves, frosted, then pitted the spires of glass, shattering some into worthless shards. The seed palace was engulfed in darkness and sunk below the great dunes. The seeds underbelly cracked and long tendril arms uncoiled, worming their way through the sand, ever downwards. Finally it found the very foundation of the terene, the crust that lay undermost to the depths. The tendrils made purchase upon the crust and after a time, the seed began to move, leaving the shattered remains behind. It pulled itself slowly over the terene crust with its tendril arms, rippling through the sands that had held it captive. Like a giant snail, the seed wandered the desert oceans searching for a shallow place.

This it found. With its tendrils still firmly anchored to the terene crust, its upper side, its back, now stood proud of the sand duned surface. For a time and again it laid there, its back baking under the all-consuming heat of the new born sun. Its surface, etched and ravished by the ever present sand storms. The tendrils searched the crust for water, long twisting arms probed and crept into every crevice of the terene's crust, until it found the life giving substance. Then a bump appeared on its upper surface, growing slowly in size, sprouting forth with the golden leaves and tendrils of the Yinnal tree of Emn. The leaves reflected the sun, shielded the tree, protected and nourished that which grew beneath. Emn howled defiance at the sands and the winds that blew.

More time passed until a clump of such trees populated the very centre of the seeds back. The plantation burst into life spreading in width and height. Mighty trees with leaves the size of a man, it threw a canopy of foliage over the seed, enveloping it in a protective layer of life, from the harsh elements of terene. Mother nature had conquered the void.

This happened in the first Tahmu.

The plantation spread, covering all the seeds upper surface, reclaiming the sands around itself and bringing the wasted lands to life. The Yinnal tree of Emn, seated at the very heart of the Yinnal plantation, protected by its canopy of life, brought forth a special fruit. Like larvae they hung beneath the great leaves of gold. The offspring of Emn wriggled and grew, emerging from their larvae sacks in a form that resembled man. And they called themselves the Ynemn. Traces of life, animals, plants, from those that crawl to those that fly were given birth from the Yinnal tree of Emn.

This was the second Tahmu.

Great seeds shed from the Yinnal tree of Emn. They fell to the sand and sailed the dunes like corks driven by the sea wind. They rolled to the vast corners of this terene, then rooted themselves and grew, just like the first Emn. The Yinnal trees flourished, the Ynemn people thrived and became numerous.

This was the third Tahmu.

The outer plantations, those far from the Yinnal tree of Emn, lost their way with the natural order of the Yinnal canopy. Their thirst to survive saw them leave the cover and protection of the Yinnal trees. The great sand storms of the terene had long been conquered and almost extinct. The Yinnal people of the outer plantations travelled far from the canopies of life, learning to live a new way as nomads upon the deserts. Some settled by the rivers of the terene, where life had become abundant and rich in its variety. Building cities of stone and wood they travelled ever further from their roots in nature.

The Yinnal trees were left without tenure, their complex life cycle broken by the self removal of the Ynemn themselves. The canopies of many of the outer plantations withered and died. Some plants thrived in the new environment and overran the Yinnal trees, while other plantations underwent total collapse and were reclaimed by the sands of the deserts. Some plantations, still growing, were revisited by their lost people and harvested for the raw materials needed by this new industrious breed of Ynemn. Emn was forgotten, replaced by the god of earth who they called Atum in a land they called Egypt.

This was the breaking of nature, the becoming of man.

This was the fourth Tahmu.

With their ties to mother nature broken, they were leaderless. Squabbling amongst themselves. Their reasons for life ebbed and flowed as a stream is forced through rocks and cannons from one to another. It was at this juncture, in the history of the Ynemn man, that the stream took a free fall. One man rose above the others and called himself King of Egypt. He was named Sek Shen Nahar and he ruled for twenty years.

This was the fifth Tahmu.

Pyra splinter group king

Narmians splinter group
