1-Smuggler’s Spear

The Smuggler’s Spear is so called because it can be unscrewed into many small parts and worn openly as a necklace or disguised as parts of an unpitched tent, and then screwed back together to form a spear. It is useful in places where weapons are strictly forbidden because it can be smuggled in. The spearhead as jewels set in it to look like the main pendant of a necklace.

2-Boar Hunter

This is designed for hunting boar and has a block a third of the way down the shaft, as speared boars have been known to push the spear deep into their body, get close to the welder and then gore or bite them deeply, and the block stops them from doing that.


This has been enchanted to be very useful for prising open rocks, sarcophagus lids, mantraps and the like, and was designed for penetrating castles or dungeons. In combat it is just an average spear with in stats terms a +1 modifier.


This spear is barbed, and so it sticks in wounds, does a great deal of damage and is probably forbidden to use in warfare under one or more treaties due to its nasty nature. Wounds do double damage.


Painted with luminous paint, this is meant for night attacks, or as a weapon to use that serves as a torch as well whilst exploring caves, tunnels and the like. It has the advantage of not setting off flammable gasses, although it cannot prevent being poisoned by said gasses.


This is believed by many Orcish tribes to be the personal weapon of the orc who set out on the quest to find the legendary Grond, Hammer of the Underworld and a magical weapon of its own right. Made of iron carved with Orcish runes set with bronze, in stats terms it has bonuses for hitting its target when thrown, and does double damage in combat.

7-Fungus Spear

The Fungus Spear infects wounds inflicted by it with a horrible fungus that chokes people to death, and it can also be used to damage wooden doors or walls, making them rot within weeks.

8-Sawn Off

Just what it says, a sawn off spear that organised crime likes using for assassinations. Banned in most cities and civilised areas because of this evil reputation.


This spear has been enchanted by a mage to have a single charge of Lightning, which when cast makes an incredibly loud noise and can fry all but the strongest of foes, but only a magic user who knows the right skill can *reload* it and it takes five minutes to do that. Fortunately it is also a strong spear for use in battle.


Decorated all along its length with carefully cut Gems of the Underworld this greatly boosts the combat power of the demonic champions and leaders who hold them, whilst harming mortals who get hold of it as the powers of the gems were never meant for mortals to wield.


Made of Helspar this spear is used for hunting walrus, mammoths, polar bears and other such polar animals in very cold regions. The spear is always pleasantly warm to the touch in said icy climates, but it is uncomfortable to hold for very long in temperate conditions, and far too hot to hold in the heat of the desert sun.


Up to thirty feet long, this is a military weapon meant for the “push of pike” against other armies, rather than something meant for civilians to use.

13-Holy Spear

According to the myths about this weapon, which might or might not be true, it was used to stab a holy prophet as he hung on a cross, and became a holy object that is said to be able to purify water with a touch.


A ceremonial weapon with a very long thin blade, this spear has a very evil reputation. It is used for the blinding of royal pretenders who fail to successfully overthrow the ruling monarch, and should a pretender successfuly overthrow a monarch , it is used to blind the overthrown monarch. By blinding said people they are rendered unfit to rule.


Imagine a set of nunchucks with spear blades on the ends and that is what this*spear* is. Dangerous to the untrained and hard to learn how to use it is normally used in the gladiator arena for the entertainment of the masses, or held by well-trained prison guards on the grounds that if a prisoner does get his or her hands on one, he or she is more likely to injure himself or herself than another guard.


This is commonly used by Beserker warriors in battle and causes the holder to enter a state of wild bloodlust and fight to the death,  in some cases making him or her a potential danger to his or her own side. People armed with this weapon are used to guard bridges and other choke points on a battlefield or sent alone or in small groups against the enemy lines as elite shock troops who are not expected to survive the battle.

17-Single Use Only

This is meant to be thrown against opponents so it will stick in their shields and then bend so it can’t be thrown back, and the weight will make the shield to heavy to use effectively so a pierced  shield will have to be dropped. It requires work at a forge to straighten out to use again.

18-Double Pointed

Pointed on both sides, it does not matter which way around you use this spear.


A weapon commonly found in the gladiatorial arena, this spear has a long chain tied to it, and those who are not properly trained in its use risk tripping over, or even getting tangled up in, the chain. Whalers also use a barbed version of this weapon to hunt down whales.

20-Spear of Rot

Any wound inflicted by this spear, will first stiffen within hours for a short time and then start decomposing, which will very likely have fatal results. Except if it is inflicted on an Undead where it has the opposite effect, turning rotting flesh into intact flesh and skin free of infection, at least in the short term. A zombie under a necromancer’s control can be made to look like , at least at a distance, a living person using this, until it decomposes again.

21-Jedi Spear

This has the powers of a Jedi sword but is a spear and used as a spear instead, able to stab through most materials.

22-Ivory Spear

Carved from a single mammoth tusk, and sharpened and barbed, this is a commonly carried weapon of the Ivory Men that they use in their hunting expeditions and in battle or self defence as well.


Meant for divers to use when fishing, this is fired by strongly compressed air, and can skewer a large fish or a human or humanoid foe equally well.

24-Dream Spear

Keep this by your bed and you can carry it into your dreams and fight off nightmares with it, which is the only magic that it possesses.

25-Royal Spear

Largely a ceremonial weapon, this spear has the Royal Seal on it and is used by the King personally as a hunting tool and battle weapon. If stolen, it will be almost impossible to fence.

26-Bronze Spear

Used by Elves and other Fay races who cannot abide the touch of iron, this is just as strong, does not rust (although it does get a green patina if not kept clean and dry) and is a very effective weapon.

27-Flint Spear

The sort of weapon you would find in the hands of a caveman, the flint blade cuts and pierces very well and it should not be underestimated.

28-Silver Spear

This was made in a town with a serious problem every full moon due to an infestation of up to 30 Were-Creatures and being made of silver it does double damage to all kinds of weres,but to remain effective it also needs frequent resharpening at the jewellery shop or the blacksmith’s anvil after every combat, as silver is hardly the hardest and best metal to make spears out of.

29-Guard Spear

It is the weapon of a city guard and has the royal arms on a small square of metal just below the spear head. If stolen, the thief will be strongly pursued and heavily punished if caught.

30-Rusty Spear

IpThe spearhead has deliberately been allowed to rust so that any injury from it has a high chance of either causing tetanus or otherwise getting infected.

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