The interior space of an arcology is modular in nature, outside of Fixed Arcos, with Fixed Arcos generally being dedicated industrial, agricultural, or otherwise with a static purpose. This allows for the interior space to be used to maximum efficiency, and for re-configuring it to be relatively easy and straight forward. The modules are divided into containers that travel in a folded position and are deployed in place, and bays, which are prefabricated and installed piece by piece. Containers are typically residential or light commercial, and bays are large commercial or special purpose.
Residential Modules
1. Bachelor Basic Unit
The Bachelor unit is a 40 square meter residential unit (430 ft2) with sleeping accommodations, a half-bath (toilet, sink, shower stall) entertainment center, and food station (sink, microwave, appliance display). The unit is designed for young residents who are now on their own, and have a minimum of personal requirements. These units are often installed in large blocks, creating bachelor zones of single young people.
2. Bachelor Plus Unit
Similar to the basic Bachelor unit, this unit it a full 60 square meters (650 ft2) and has a larger sleeping accommodate, enough to fit a SmartBed, and an entertainment center large enough for a full S3 system (SimSenSys or S3). The bathroom is expanded to have a small bathtub, and and a kiosk style kitchenette. The Bachelor Plus is for more successful bachelors.
3. Bachelor Ultimate Unit
The Bachelor Ultimate unit is a staggering 100 square meters (1050 ft2) and has partitioned rooms, including a full bathroom with full size tub, a kitchenette with space for a convection oven, and a entertainment center large enough for several people. This luxury of space is considered the pinnacle of personal achievement on the regular decks of the arco.
4. Family Basic Unit
The Family Basic unit is a habitation for two adults and one child, and is 80 square meters, and has partitioned sleeping accommodations for the adults and the child, allowing for partial privacy. The food station is larger, and the entertainment center is also larger.
The Social Contract is a popular method for people to gain access to a larger residency. By joining in a Social Contract, also known as a civil union, two adults can present themselves as a family. This behavior is not illegal but it is frowned upon, as social contracts are generally done for access to more space and not for the production of children. The Petrol era prefix 'bro' as in bromance and brolationship, has been carried forward into the CE as a gender neutral term for two people who enter a social contract who are not in a sexual relationship with each other. The defining characteristic of the brolationship is the non-sexual non-intimate factor.
5. Family Plus Unit
The Family plus unit houses two adults and two children (or three adults, in the case of a solo child growing older in a more affluent household) and is 200 square meters. Family plus units have a full bathroom and a half bathroom, three partitioned sleeping areas, a kitchenette, and an enhanced entertainment center. Family plus units are highly sought after, and while the unit itself isn't terribly expensive, gaining the floorspace required for one in an arco can be.
The Poly-Contract is an increasingly popular option in the Amero and EuroZones of the Atlantic Federation. Similar to the basic Social Contract, the poly-contract differs in that is an explicitly sexual union of 3 (or more) adults in a single relationship. There is resistance to this, as it harkens back to the explosion of personal extravagance and self-indulgence of the Petrol era, but it is not uncommon for these unions to have children, often multiple children. With poly-donor conception possible, there is an increasing number of children who literally have more than two parents.
6. Family Deluxe Unit
The Family Deluxe is 300 square meters and has two full bathrooms, and can be configured for two adults and two children (with partitioned rooms) or two adults and 3-4 children with semi-partitioned rooms. Family Deluxe units are popular, but expensive, and are out of the income range of non-employed residents. Under the freemium economy, only people with extra income can afford deluxe units.
7. Family Ultimate Unit
The Family Ultimate Unit is the housing system for an extended family, and covers 500 square meters. While massive, the 5300 square foot residence is expected to house at bare minimum, 8 people. The Family Ultimate holds parents, their children, and their children's spouses. This allows for larger personal space, as each person doesn't require a food station or stand alone entertainment center, but can instead pool their resources for the benefit of the family.
Family Ultimate Units are often associated with established families, who have generational participation in a certain job sector within an arcology. This isn't commercial or industrial, but rather administrative or maintenance roles. These familial positions often keep within their own occupation, and it is uncommon for such families to behave in demi-feudal manners.
Accessory Modules
The Accessory Module is not intended to be a stand alone unit, but rather the 'addition' that is added to a large multi-family residence, or purchased through a communal pooling of credit resources among a group of bachelors or small families. These 'pocket facilities' become amenities that are associated with all of the units that are grouped with it. Such additions are quite popular.
8. Exercise Facility
While genetic therapy has done the heavy lifting of banishing obesity, muscle tone, tanning, and the social interaction of fit, healthy people in a common space is either beyond the ability of a pill, or not something that can be pharmacized. The 60 square meter exercise facility has a small number of machines, typically stationary bikes or elliptical machines, and a singe free weight station, and can accommodate 4-6 users at a time.
9. Improved Exercise Facility
In addition to doubling the space and adding a few extra machines, the improved exercise facility has a tanning booth or a very cozy steam sauna. There are options to remove all of the exercise equipment and replace it with 3 tanning booths (a popular option in female dominated zones) have several full free weight stations (popular in male dominated zones).
Not surprisingly, exercise facilities are fairly popular locations for young people to meet and mingle, and given the social norms of the Cosmic Era, it is as likely for sexual encounters to begin as meeting someone next to the stationary bikes as it is to be in a bar.
10. Dojo
Technically, the Dojo module is open space zoned for recreational/physical use, and can be used for dance classes, martial arts training, aerobics, and so forth. The Dojo is not allowed to be used for storage, parties, non-physical recreation (communal gatherings, birthday parties).The 100 square meter dojo has a mirrored wall, a dance rail, and a small storage space for exercise equipment.
Dojos come and go in popularity, depending on what is dominant in the media feeds, and how hot the McDojo trend is. The 'training' giving at these facilities via CogNet instructors and sparring droids is remedial at best, and attending an arcology based dojo and learning literally any martial art has nothing in common with attending a professional franchise dojo, or finding an honest to god fighting school out in the favelas.
11. Green Space
A rarely used option, the Green Space module is a personal garden space with water hook ups and soil provided. It is not intended for producing food, though herbs are allowed. It is intended for growing flowers and greenery for the general improvement of the mood and morale of residents. The 100 square meter module has a central water station/water feature, and several banks for plants to be grown in.
12. Sensorama
The Sensorama is a full immersive entertainment theatre for up to 20 people at a time. Functionally it is little different than a massive entertainment center, but Sensoramas typically gain access to special media and entertainment events, either exclusive in terms of professional fights, robot gladiator matches, professional sports events, and premium erotica events, or gain early access.
13. Daycare Unit
The Daycare unit is a child zone where the children of a zone can be left for a day while their parents attend other issues. This can be for privacy, for child socializing, or for parents who have errands to attend to. The unit has plenty of things to interest young children, a good physical security system to keep them in, and two maternal droids to mind the children. It is common for these facilities to have a number of boppets as well for childcare and enrichment.
14. Lounge
The lounge is a casual space for the residents of a zone to congregate for social purposes. The most common lounge has a beverage service, typically coffee in the morning period, and alcohol in the evening period. Other sample lounges include such novelties as fro-yo bars, light spa services (attended by droids)
The neighborhood bar/pub is the current vogue Lounge, serving classic Americana cuisine and pilsner style beer. The RetroPub has a bartender who remembers your name, and is built around nostalgia.
The Coffeehaus, serving synthetic kava coffee, is a constant performer. Trends rotate through industrial chic (Starbucks) donut shop (Dunks) and retrochic (mom n pop)
Public Services
Public services are not quite businesses, but do operate in a business like manner. They are typically low cost, or free, relying on subsidies to operate.
15. Diagnostic Clinic
Operating out of a small 40 square meter facility, the Diagnostic clinic is not much more than 2-3 diagnostic med-pods, and a handful of medical and HR droids. People who are feeling sick, or who are advised to go by their gesund auf implant, will visit a diagnostic clinic for more comprehensive evaluation. The clinic can then either prescribe medications, or advise the patient to seek more extensive health care options.
There are typically two tiers of diagnostic clinics, mirroring the public and private hospital systems. Private, or black hospital backed clinics are more expensive, but have shorter wait times and better equipment, while the public clinics are much cheaper, but take longer to get into, and are much more likely to send people away with medication and not referrals to seek more care. A black clinic is likely to have a functional Med-pod, and not just a diagnostic model, meaning that the clinic can offer intermediary care as well.
16. Walk-In Therapy Clinic
Physical illness and chronic maladies are largely a thing of the past, with many diseases simply eradicated, and hereditary diseases edited out of the genome. This leaves the bulk of medical issues as mental and emotional. To address this need, mental and emotional therapy is much more readily available, and largely destigmatized. The WITC is functionally a soothing a safe space where a person can discuss their issues with a therapy droid (inexpensive) or even a real therapist (expensive). Like the Diagnostic clinic, these facilities tend to be small, and serve 2-3 patients at a time.
Mental and emotional health were largely mistreated or ignored in the Petroleum Era, which had the luxury of space and diffused populations. In the Cosmic Era, with high density communal living, the integration and involvement of the members of society is much more important. Mentally and emotionally disturbed individuals can simply do too much damage if ignored or otherwise maligned.
17. Education/Re-Education Center
The Education Center is the library of the Cosmic Era and is the repository of printed materials and hardcopy. In the post-materialism age, such things are loaned, or treated as libraries treat reference materials, to be used on site only. The Education center has a number of terminals for using education software, the diet form of psychotronic programming, allowing for relatively fast retention of information. This is typically 'job training' done while seeking a job.
18. Parcel Center
The Parcel Center is the distribution point for sundry goods and things that have been ordered off of the CogNet. It is the replacement for the grocery store, department store, and sundry store. These goods are typically bought off of a waiver system, with basic goods being sent unless the resident declines them. Meals are planned through services based around the kitchen or food station the resident has, along with things like their grooming supplies, toiletries, and other goods.
Box services are starting to become popular even now, with services like Home Chef and Blue Apron delivering food to your door (recipe and unprepared ingredients) to Birch Box delivering monthly samples of grooming products tied to their online storefront. Graze offers a snack box, and there are plenty of collectibles and toy offerings ala Loot Crate, Geek Box, and so forth. Even clothing companies are getting in on the action. T shirt sites have shown that cheap shirts with original art can make money, and now the more trendy companies are putting out monthly style boxes. The brick and mortar stores are fading, and what will happen to online shopping when you get give preferences and profile information and get boxes of neat stuff in the parcel?
19. Vendorama
The Vendorama is the counterpart to the Parcel Center, and is for discretionary purchases or emergency purchases not covered by the Waiver System. The center is full of vending machines and dispensers that dole out specialty food and beverages, alcohol, legal drugs, and other special or impulse purchases. It is not uncommon for a Parcel Center and a vendorama to share the same module, for greater use of space.
Business Modules
Private enterprise didn't vanish with the Petroleum Era, it just changed shape. The acquisition of wealth is no longer based around selling materials goods in bulk, or through merchandising to a consumerist materialist culture. The new entrepreneur is a purveyor of services, rather than goods.
20. The Restaurant
The shape of the restaurant has changed, the sit down eatery with menus and waitresses and ambiance still exists, but it is now in the rarefied world of the wealthy. The middle class eatery is more a blend of a fast food joint and a food kiosk. Seating in minimal, service is quick, and socializing is rather minimal. Common fare includes cheap and quick foods like noodles, sandwiches, tacos, and other foods that require few or no utensils. Quality ranges across the board, with many being franchises serving almost the exact same thing as people would make in their home food stations, while others, especially the poorer zones, can have more questionable and less desirable options.
21. The Tavern
The larger version of the RetroPub, the Tavern has much more space, and can accommodate more patrons, as well as having a larger or more exclusive selection. These establishments are themed, often catering to sports, sexual entertainment, or novelty approaches such as popular entertainment franchises.
22. The Spa
The Spa is a full personal pampering establishment, having oversized bathtubs, massage droids, saunas, and offering everything from haircuts, to mani-pedis, to the rest of the luxury spa treatment.
The Spa is notable for frequently having human employees and not droids doing much of the manual work. The average domestic purpose droid is capable of doing mundane tasks like trimming hair and attending to the grooming and personal hygiene of their users, but getting a mani-pedi from the house 'bot isnt the same as going to the spa, relaxing in a spa chair, listening to soothing spa music and gossip, while a nubile young person performs the mani-pedi.
23. The Hot Topic
Unrelated to the trendy goth store, a Hot Topic Retailer is the last vestige of the materialist consumer economy. These are small stores that carry a selection of physical merchandise, typically themed along current and stable trending interests. The interest is too niche or low volume to move it into a parcel service, and for whatever reason, it doesnt lend itself to the vendorama.
The gadget store - sells high end entertainment equipment and accessories. Low volume, high cost, and convenience is massively important, ordering a replacement component for an S3 system, a new SQUIDband or upgrading and troubleshooting a MUSE is better done in person than trying to order said equipment online.
Adult novelty - while the online remains the predominant, people just like to see their now sexy clothing and bedroom gadgets in person, plus feeds on impulse purchases.
Dispensary - sells legal drugs, and drug paraphenalia, also quirky, inappropriate home and office novelties like breast shaped coffee mugs, stickers with vulgar words, and so forth. Very popular location for Ko girls to linger around.
Ultra-Trendy Clothing - high end retailers that wrap their brand experience around their merchandise, and market themselves often as exclusive, popular in the club and music scene.
A bay is typically a much larger use of space than a container module, and they are not delivered and unpacked, but rather, and built up from pre-fabbed kits. These units are large, and are uncommon compared to normal modules.
24. Office Space
Office Space is a generic term given to any bay that is designed for administrative and clerical work. This is predominantly the center of the Arcology command information center, where the interior functions of the megastructure, the population, and the host AISC handle day to day operations. It can also cover admin space for the arco HQ of various megacorps, police chapters, and such. There is maximized use of space with cubicles, personal data stations, and a general feeling of inadequate amounts of space. It almost always feels crowded.
25. Public Park
A combination of green space, public gardens, walkways, water features, and playground equipment, the Public Park is a use of space to help people cope with living inside a massive building, one that is seldom left. The park has atmospheric controls, creative use of screenery, and various other tricks to give the illusion of depth and size. These are popular locations for socializing, especially since the bane of the public park, night time, doesn't exist inside the arco.
26. Commerce Center
Similar to the Mall, the commerce center has kiosks, and stalls, as well as places for business modules to be installed. The center of the the Commerce Center is a food court of food vendors, surrounded by common space. This open air design, often incorporating greenery and screenery invites residents to socialize and mingle.
27. The Arcotel
The ArcoTel is a hotel inside an arco, typically located near the commerce, recreation, and park space of the building. Arcos receive a regular flow of visitors, some are guests from other arcos, others are people from the urban core or rim looking to vacation in the clean and safe tower.
Arcotels are popular destinations, and some arcologies put a fair bit of work into their offerings, bringing in outsiders and new business opportunities, as well as their credit. There is not a single arcotel servicing the entire building, but generally several. Traveling VIPs and dignitaries stay in near tower top oppulence, while urbanites coming up into the tower stay much lower in more 'economical' arcotels.
28. Recreation Center
The Recreation Center is the arcological version of an indoor amusement/theme park. It is both economic in nature, but also considered valuable for the enrichment of the lives of the arco residents. The presence of the internal park lessens the pressure for people to leave the arco to seek vacations. Most find that splitting their attention between public offerings such as the recreation centers, virtual vacations, and other diversions, they don't mind living inside the fortress building.
The most common recreation centers emulate the adventure and themed parks of the Petroleum Era, with simulated roller coasters (immersive rides blending a-pod fields to simulate high velocity maneuvers with a CogNet link for data streaming) being popular. Water parks are also popular as they are relatively low maintenance and low tech. Various regions also have cultural recreation centers that function as historical recreations of past eras, ideals, or even venturing into action/adventure settings like New Vegas' WestLand, complete with gunslingers, horses, and saloon whores.
29. Hangar
Typically a large minimal bay, a hangarunit is designed for large amounts of internal space and is used for staging goods, material, and other such purposes. The Hangar bay always has access to the exterior of the arco so that things can be moved through it. The most common hanger bay is the I/O Rail, a mass cargo and transit system that links arcos in close proximity to each other. Other hangars house police and rescue craft, military assets like mecha, or offer storage space for goods coming from the rooftop aerodrome.
30. Classified Space
Composed of laboratories, testing facilities, detention centers, computer archives, and more, classified space is the small section of an arco that is being used for clandestine operations. It is never labeled as such, rather classified areas of the structure are listed as mechanical, hazmat storage, structural, or sealed due to contamination. Newer arcologies and other megastructure have entire hidden decks, invisible wings, unlisted towers, and unmarked geofront zones. Older towers are often speckled with suspicious areas missing from the schematics. Most of these are treated much like Area 51, people know things are going on there, most people assume it is government stuff, while a few latch on with ardent passion over what could be inside.
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? Responses (3)

This is a good and useful resource for understanding the cosmic era life in the arcos, I liked the part about the maintence worker mafias, the new focus on mental health and the bromance stuff.
How long can you leave your kid in the daycare?
The classified bay...kind of felt tacked on and underdeveloped. You don't have to stop at 30.

Probably something legal like no more than 3 days.
I should probably add on the top deck stuff, the 1 percenter loft suites, the corner suite, the luxury eatery, etc