These Neighborhoods are usually in large alleyways. Along the walls, there are 'boxes' or Cotes stacked up. Each one will have an entry (usually a small round door) and a porch. Each box/ cote will range in size from a shoebox to a large bread box (suitable for 11-12 inch humanoids). The larger boxes cost more. They are either status symbols for smaller folks or requirement for larger ones (like cat and rat kins). The traditional arrangement is a level or three of large boxes, boxes then grow smaller as they advance up the wall until they reach the middle, where they start to be larger. Then there will be two to three rows of large 'penthouse' boxes at the very top (usually where there will be sunlight in the alley).

The ground of the alleyway has the atmosphere of a market or faire. Here items and food appropriate to the size of the 'neighborhood' are sold, usually by people of the same size. (The items are sometimes made by crafters of the small size OR by bigfolk and sold through their agents here). Since half the people in a cotery are nocturnal, the market goes on all hours of the day and night.

If is often illegal for BigFolk to enter said alleys, to avoid accidentally assaulting WeeFolk. In fact, often the little people hire giants or large folk to guard their alley. (The Huge Folk understand about living in a world not of their size, and they take great pleasure in breaking the people who violate the law).

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