Quest - NPCs

NPCs, you can never have enough of them. And yet the ways to use and present NPCs differs from game to game. This month we introduce a new approach introducing NPCs. The "Organic" way...

Get your NPCs here. Hot and fresh with low sodium and fat-free. Suitable for a wide selection of homemade brews.

Tired of your NPCs loaded with Chemicals and antibotics? Try our new line of Organic NPCs....Say "NO" to NPCs forced to live in tiny cages! Let your NPCs roam! They are free-range and mostly cruelty free. Don't let them manufacture your next NPC in a lab. Our NPCs are gene-splicing free!

Not sure what constitutes an organic Npc? Never fear, our helpful staff is ready to assist.

Oft imitated, never equaled. If it doesn't say Strolen's Citadel then it is an imitation NPC.