“ Some parallel worlds have different time-flows, like the fabled dwelling-places of the elves: those who visit them under the hill for a night return to find that years have passed in this world. Perhaps it is the gate leading between the worlds which causes the alteration. If a gate were 'misaligned', the shift from '| |' to '| \' or '| /' as it were would lead to that difference, much as a light-beam split and bent by a prism ends up taking a longer path. There might even be a mathematical function linking degree of misalignment to alteration of time-rate.”
L3 Wiz
As I walk through devastated landscape only one thought burns in my head. Revenge.I was a normal adventuring wizard, dungeon delving and putting out innocents fires. Ha, fire.After years of trying to find out what happened, the truth is unfolding for me, a second word has entered my vocabulary. Castinlig. a name put to the scorched earth. The one who did this.
He was too powerful and too greedy.He summoned the king of the djinn and a supposedly perfect wish w incredible power behind it. Fire ball now has a 100 mile radius and is locked at 7d6. I didn't know this when I cast it for the first time in days. My party was wiped out and I would have been too except my ring of total fire resistance saved me. But not my friends.
I scavenge for food and a potions, really all I can and have to do.I will find him.
( a solo game for a l7 wiz)”
“ The party is walking through the forest at night when they come upon a clearing. Half a dozen black-robed corpses lie scattered across the ground, and a pentagram of blood is shoddily drawn in the dirt.
It seems these people summoned something they could not control. Whether or not the demon returns is up to the GM, but it would be just as rich if the demon never returned, and for the rest of the night, every stray sound or odd shadow will be jumped at!”