“ This powerful Serpent man has 4 different poison sacks that can only be triggered individually
Poison of Frequent Death> on a failed save, does D12 damage
Poison of the deadly Soul Mate> Charm person on a failed save
Poison of the Fire Within> On a failed save the victim is filled w hate and rage and is only capable of melee attacks
Poison of the Stil Stone> on a failed save, victim is paralyzed.
all poison attacks also do d6 bite damage
in addition to a bite attack , they can do a 2d4 constriction attack
8 hit die
ac 1
move 6”
“ Hate and vengeance are powerful forces. They dull the inhibitions, cloud the thoughts, and drive people to commit unspeakable acts. There are demons that reflect intense human emotion, taking shapes that best reflect the desire and experiences of their victims.”