“ Appearing a small ballista bolt, this bolt' is actually an arrow used by a god from a long-dead pantheon. Some sages theorize it was a weapon crafted by Loki to slay the world tree. Why it was never used escapes them however.
The spear has a divine-level anti-plant effect. When driven into the soil point first, an ever widening circle of destruction radiates out from the point, killing any plant material. Perfect for holding a kingdom's food supply for ransom. Any who bear this device are cursed so any plant-based materials they touch crumbles to ash.”
“ I am in the process of planning a complete steampunk themed campaign world.
The underdark will not be made up of caverns or caves, but huge, interlocking gears. The gears will be constantly moving and are basically a gigantic mechanism.
Part of this underdark is controlled by an insane analytical engine (mechanical computer).
Stay tuned for more details”
“ A swamp witch that, when she dies, a huge black worm burst from her corpse and tries to burrow into the nearest living creature to use as a new host. If the the worm is injured in-between hosts smaller black worms swarm out of any wounds and burrow into anything living.”