1) Fisherman's trident

It is what it is, a plain trident used by the fishermen of the Sunlight Sea to catch fish, including quite large ones, and makes a decent weapon if needed, but has no special bonuses to it's use. It's handle is of wood, and a few strikes on the handle with a decently sharp sword will cut it in two.

2) Gladiator Trident

Lined with metal to protect against sword cuts, and with a head larger then that of the common fisherman's trident, this is a gladiator's weapon for the arena, used with a net, normally against a heavily armoured gladiator with a sword and shield, and is a potent battle weapon.

3) Trident of Truth

This has been enchanted so that if someone tells a lie in front of the person holding it, the points bend away from the person telling the lie, and it is used in the Admiralty Courts of Vallermoore in both civil and criminal courts to prevent perjury from taking place. A secret magic word bends the metal back when spoken aloud.

4) MerKing's Trident

A potent weapon held by a MerKing who styles himself to be the King of the Sunlight Sea, this can deliver a bolt of magical fire up to a hundred feet underwater or three times that length in the air, and can strike hard enough to put holes in wooden boats or ships, although not metal or copper bottomed ships.

5) ThreeSpell Trident

Found in the hands of a dungeon champion of the Gygaxian Gyre, this can shoot lightning bolts, which cause loud enough fire to damage unprotected ears, balls of green balefire that both cause burn damage and decay the area that is burnt as well, and can send a concentrated bolt of in effect, Jedi fire that can penetrate most materials.

The owner wears a helmet with ear protection.

6) Devil's Trident

Made of fine green demon jade studded with many glittering Gems of the Underworld this was made by one of the Duchesses of the Nine Hells as a gift of love for her husband. In the hands of the Infernal it can not only cast a Balefire spell at will, but greatly strengthens and fortifies the holder. But in the hands of mortals it has the opposite effect, corrupting magic and weakening the holder seriously until he or she either abandons it, gives it or sells it to someone else or dies from the effects of being too close to the cursed demonic weapon.

7) Knightly Trident

This has been given a hilt and adopted by an order of sea-going knights who control an island chain, and it can be used as a lance on horseback or two-handed on foot like a spear to jab at the vulnerable spots in plate armour. Like the Gladiator trident it is lined with metal to protect from sword or even axe or halberd cuts.

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