“ L1 wizard spell
This spell must be cast for 31 consecutive days by one wizard to create a +1 sword,-2 to anyone else holding it(other than sword owner).No special ingredients or quality of blade, the only requirement on this part is it must be a short sword or longer and must be a true sword. The sword must draw blood from a living creature of at least 1-1 hit die every day and The blade is -1 until the 31st casting, when it becomes fully and permanently enchanted .Variants that enchant other weapons could be possible.”
“ A culture has a tradition of wearing animal pelts as a sign of status or job. Carpenters might wear beaver skins, Masons have a moleskin hood to their cloak, Gaurdsmen might have badger pelts. Done to show the culture's respect for nature and how much of nature is equal to each other.”
“ A supposedly empty desert on the far side of the mountains has started growing. No one knows why. At the center of the desert lies a tall rock outcropping, hundreds of feet tall. Dust storms shroud the outcropping constantly, except for one night a year.”