Full Item Description
The Tree-of-Blades is best described as a warclub. It is a length of wood, generally 3.5-4.5 feet long (though sometimes as long as 6 feet, in extreme cases; Dragonfighters are known for their enormous stature), with generally a foot or foot and a half of leather-wrapped handle, and heeled at the pommel with metal. Along the length of the club, at regular intervals, there are viciously-curved, leaf-shaped blades, off-setting each other, giving the appearance of the sharpened leaves of a tree (giving the weapon it's most frequent name); the club is topped with a trio of blades in the form of the crown of a tree. Much of a Tree-of-Blades' length is usually bound in bronze, and it is a symbol of pride among Dragonfighters to keep the blades of one's club as sharp and bright as possible.

This fearsome weapon is rarely seen beyond the bounds of Dragonfighter territory in these times; since the final defeat of Txarian's forces by the Mysians at the battle of Mount Phraion, the Tarisians have been seldom seen by any Agera, in fact.

Magic/Cursed Properties

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