Lake of Rage

Location: Northern Tugues Mountain Range, ESE of Mt Ardel

Location Type: Lake

Environment Type: Northern Temperate

Description: The lake of rage is set high into the south eastern foothills of Mt Ardel. The lakes appearance of a small pristine C-shaped lake with no apparent water source (rain feed). Strangely, only plant life can be found living in and around the lake itself. There About ten miles from the lake, there is a three foot stone border that in encircles the whole lake. This stone border carved with an unreadable script and every forty feet there rises a pillar with a 9x9 foot base and if unbroken, all forty towers thirty feet tall and is 1x1 with a 3x3 foot top stone.

Location History: Up in till three hundred years ago, the infamous lake of rage was a sacred grove to a group of elfin druids call "Add name here". All was well until a small theological debate blew up and all but three of the druids preceded to kill each other off (most of them drown each other in the lake itself). The lake is now considered to be a cursed grove by all local druids and a gate to the nine hells by all other.
Magical Effect: Those who come in contact with the water must save vs. spell or go in to a violent rage and will attack the closest target (friend or foe) in till the lake water is washed and or dries off + 2d6 rounds. If drank, save vs. spell at -2 or alignment permanently changes to chaotic evil till "remove curse" then a "Restoration" is use. The lake water can be made save to use by removing then casting of a "bless" spell on the water that one want to make safe (1 8oz cup per level), or leaving a holy symbol in it for 1d4 turns. To cleanse and sanctified the lake, a druid of good alignment must destroy all water that is in the lake then let the rain fill it naturally (No Magic Help or outside water allowed)!!!

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