Back-cover blurb

A fantasy story featuring the fictional lives of Temujin and his first wife Bortai in the days of their youths preceding his becoming Genghis Khan...

Bortai, Erdene of the Ontaggarit and eldest daughter to Otgonbayar Khan, woke up with a complete memory loss. She had forgotten the details of the alleged accident that had made her bed-ridden and that her father had been constantly evading to speak of. She had also seemingly forgotten her Aunt and Mentor in the Craft, while recognising every other significant personages in her life.

When Bortai found out about her impending marriage, an inexplicable sense of dread coming to her and her determination to take her own fate into her hands hardened her resolve to leave. Misadventures followed Bortai after she set her foot outside her own tribe, culminating in her stumbling into the middle of a tribal war in which she was forced to choose a side...

Character Snapshots

*will be updated once in a while as story unfolds


Bortai (*part obscured that are spoilers, will be added back in as story unfolds)

Physical description:

  • 15, tall for a Crunalan, slim and shapely
  • Formidable looking but feminine
  • Sharp profile
  • Thick eyebrows, big eyes
  • P. line of jet black hidden within pupil
  • Small mole on her right ear
  • Enticing earlobes to Temujin
  • Some Freckles on her nose
  • Long pearly fleshy fingers
  • Wears sky blue, green and brown


  • Practically raised by Chechegin (Chechi)
  • Koketani (Aunt Koka) can sometimes finish off her sentences
  • Pride of maternal grandfather
  • Go-b/w for maternal Uncle and Aunt
  • Respected by all her siblings
  • Selective about friends
  • Along with her 2 friends Nala and Tolun, known as 3 flowers of the Ontaggarit
  • Seems aloof to strangers
  • Unrestrained with starting and putting a stop to relationships
  • Apprehensive of mishaps with relationship w Temujin


  • Forward looking
  • Fairly good with a hunting knife
  • Fair shot
  • Good at knuckle throwing
  • Hopeless at the flute
  • Fair at wrestling
  • Can sew
  • Fair cook
  • Drilling down for insights
  • Good sense of direction


  • Forgetful
  • Can get into circular thinking
  • Aged beyond her years
  • Can't tell colour tones apart
  • Doesn't hold grudges easily (can be victim to malice in small ways)
  • High tolerance for those loved
  • Sensitive sense of smell
  • Allergic to fur
  • Vain with hair
  • Has tendency to shoulder problems

Past times:

  • Riding
  • Learning under Aunt Koka
  • Playing with siblings
  • Attempts at Recollecting memories
  • Observing
  • Wrestling practice
  • Household chores
  • Conversation with Khan-father
  • Visiting Grandpa


  • Isolation
  • Muddled confusion
  • Worrisome
  • Determined/purposeful
  • Introspection
  • Sadness
  • Hopeful
  • Reminiscing
  • Joyful
  • Contemplative


  • When threatened, shows cold anger
  • When tried for loyalty, smiles dangerously
  • When pushed, pushes back
  • When fearful, gets worrisome
  • Faced with an obstacle, makes comprehensive plan
  • In a new situation, moves out randomly
  • When rejected, presents her back (a sign of her pride)
  • When confused, gets insomniac
  • Faced with routine, delegates
  • If criticised, files away for future thought

Mannerisms and Quirks:

  • Jet black line hidden within pupil shows when in anger
  • Rubbing earlobe when deep in thought
  • Have to think through a problem before resting
  • Emotions displayed openly on face
  • Smooths out creased eyebrows that she sees
  • Speaks succinctly
  • Left handed
  • Clicks fingers when she's heard enough
  • Meticulous with hair washing procedures
  • Once made up her mind, nothing could change it

Values, fears and secrets:

  • Vales self identity and freedom
  • Deep-rooted fear of loss of identity carried over
  • Values family harmony
  • Believes in fate
  • Fears Aunt Koka's lectures
  • Fears Aunt Koka's anger
  • Believes in efficiency
  • Doesn't believe in extremes


  • Childhood with father (both lives as Bortai)
  • Times with Aunt Koka
  • Times with sibling


Physical description:

  • 16, tall, lean but muscular
  • Not good looking but striking
  • A face of sharp angles
  • Face softened by age & air of untriedness
  • A thick shock of hair
  • Wolf's gaze
  • Pupil is a deeper shade of brown than others
  • Eagle's beak of a nose
  • Stubbles on chin, growing a beard
  • Likes to wear white or original fabric colour


  • Eldest son of Yesegei and Hoelun
  • Currently have 2 full-blood brothers and 1 sister
  • 1 other mother and 2 half-brothers
  • Pride/Hope of Yesegei and have high respect for Hoelun
  • Rivalry with one of his half-brothers
  • Anda (sworn brother) to Borochu and Nergui
  • Leader of his peers
  • Looked upon by many as future chieftain
  • Charismatic and easily draws followers
  • Betrothed to Bortai


  • Persuasive talker/presenter
  • Competent fighter
  • Excellent strategist
  • Proficient player of the tovshuur
  • Cannot draw
  • Good eyesight
  • Good at packing
  • A knack for remembering details
  • Fair singing abilities
  • Good dancer of the Mongolian waltz


  • Occasional rashness
  • Can take time to make decisions
  • Can take things to the extreme
  • Forever seeks to change status quo
  • Drools in sleep sometimes
  • Tells 'white lies'
  • Can over-work oneself
  • Can hang onto relationships long past due
  • Gets possessive abt love
  • May not keep to promises esp. re: time commitment

Past times:

  • Mucking around with friends
  • Learning under Yesegei
  • Visiting Hoelun
  • Weapons practice
  • Visiting Elders and conversing
  • Practising the tovshuur
  • Tidying his ger
  • Caring for his weapons
  • Singing
  • Teaching younger siblings


  • Pondering
  • Determined
  • Affectionate
  • Defiant
  • Reflective
  • Focused
  • Stormy
  • Longing/ Excitement
  • Confident
  • Apprehension


  • When threatened, growls
  • When tried for loyalty, digs heels in
  • When pushed, don't budge
  • When fearful, defiant
  • Face obstacle, persists in mowing it down
  • If criticised, address immediately
  • When rejected, tires again
  • When confused, consults Hoelun
  • Faced with routine, gets fitful
  • In a new situation, chart out different approaches

Mannerisms and Quirks:

  • Self assured bearings
  • Frowns when deep in thought
  • First drawn to people's ears
  • Firm voice
  • Eats in a neat way
  • Careful to avoid wear/tear of clothing
  • Narrows eyes when disapproving
  • Likes to add extra salt to koumiss
  • Smiles when angry
  • Gets insomniac when chewing over issue

Values, fears and secrets:

  • Extremely protective of those he loves
  • With a view for collective good
  • With a view for the long term
  • Believes in hard work to get one's desires
  • Believes in humility and open-mindedness
  • Doesn't believe in Fate much
  • No particular fear at the moment
  • Believes in working to establish own ideal world
  • Cannot eat spicy food
  • Has a fascination with ears


  • Coming of age
  • Hoelun's bedtime stories
  • Being taught the tovshuur by Hoelun
  • Taught fighting by Khan-father
  • Smile of Temulen
  • Family gathering
  • Listening to tales told by Elders
  • Death of first Magul-anta
  • First sight of Bortai
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