In life, Sir Tibault the Titan and Sir Leo the Swift were members of the knightly order known as the Axes of Honour, and because of their great wealth and connections they were able to avoid trouble with the Law despite being some of the most violent and evil knights imaginable, to the point that there was almost no crime they would not commit. Like every mortal being, death came to them, and they paid a lot of money for priests to forgive their multiple sins and for a proper tomb to contain their mortal bodies. On their deathbeds they promised their wives and daughters that they would see them soon. Each had a marble model of themselves upon their tomb.

A year went by and on Halloween, when it is said that the dead stalk the world, the Lady Amelle, the former wife of Sir Tibault, was found strangled, and her fiancee was blamed for the killing as it was said that the two had been arguing recently. He admitted the argument, but denied the murder allegation, but was found guilty and was hanged and gibbeted a month later.

A year later Amber, Tibualt’s daughter, was also found strangled and this time a marble finger was found in her hand, and Sir Tibault’s marble effigy was found to have one of its fingers broken off.

The Lady Elinor asked that the tomb statues be destroyed, but the Archbishop would not hear of this as he was being paid a large sum of money from the deceased knights to keep their tombs safe and he didn’t believe in ghosts either. Now the Lady has hired the PCs on Halloween and will pay them a lot of money to keep her safe and lay the ghost of her husband and his fellow knight for good.


The knights were so evil in life, that Halloween is the only night that they can leave Hell, and they are responsible for both killings, wanting their families to be with them and jealous of them too.

They retain their fighting skills and have possessed their tomb effigies which have marble swords that are stronger than they look. Ordinary swords don’t have much effect on the marble, but magical swords and weapons like war hammers do. Salt sprinkled around them will create a barrier that it is hard for them to cross, and if they can either be cracked into bits, or pushed into deep water it will be the end of them.

They cannot be attacked within the church as holy magic forms a force field over their tombs, but it disappears when they get up and walk. They seek to kill their remaining wives and daughters to possess them in the afterlife.

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