The official dynastic name of the Gholesht is Ghrinshur-ahng-Wakhti, "Compassion Without End". He is the 9th of his dynasty, the Suruhmbilakhi, descended from Shun-tuhr-Tabraj, "Foe Of Iniquity", who took the throne of the Gholesht from the tyrannical and hated rulers of the previous dynasty in a bloody palace coup.
The Gholesht is the emperor and ultimate ruler of Rigzahb, often called the Veiled Nation. All of Rigzahb pays lip service to the ancient and traditional system of Naznasheb ("Separation"), which decrees that all temporal and political power in Rigzahb shall be held by the Gholesht, while all spiritual and religious power in Rigzahb shall be held by the Arigvehda, leader of the Red Hats, the priests of Rigzahb's ancient Thurunzahn religion.
However, this status as premiere master of the Veiled Nation has deteriorated over time. As warlike ages and great turmoils passed over Rigzahb, the nation changed. The powerful and ancient religion of Thurunzahn became the supreme power- the Arigvehda became the true ruler, political and spiritual, of Rigzahb, the Gholesht became merely his political intermediary, and the ancient warrants of Naznasheb became a hollow lip-serviced idol.
However, the rise of the heretical splinter religion of the Crimson God, Aurangzeb, and the powerful rebellion which has risen with it, has given a renewed status to the Gholesht. Though Ghringzahj-angho-Wahti is no supporter of the rebellion (which threatens to topple his throne and power structure as well as the Arigvehda's), he has utilized the threat of the bloody and on-going civil war as leverage against the Arigvehda and the temple power structure.

Ghringzahj-angho-Wahti is very much his father's son, by which is meant, he is nearly a perfect resemblance of the first of his dynasty.
He is tall, nearly six and 1/2 feet, with broad, powerful shoulders. He is large in stature, with brawny arms and legs and a barrel chest. He has a meaty look to him, with round cheeks and full lips, and a very hooked nose. He has very large eyes of a deep hazel tone, beautiful, magnetic eyes; many an emissary has found themselves caught unawares by the mesmeric power of those liquid pools.
As a son of Rigzahb, his skin is a dusky brown. He shaves his head bald and oils his flesh in the tradition of the Gholesht before him.
When he is seen in public or for ritual appearances, he wears the ritual gold pectoral, worked with ancient holy characters, and a splendid skirt of brilliant rainbow feathers.


Special Equipment

Roleplaying Notes

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