One of the methods that keep both the Overworld and the Underdark connected is via a vast global network running on a series of wired and wireless ethereal connections known as the Ethernet. It is a complex network of interconnected computers, routers, switches, hubs, servers etc. that exchange packets of data according to a standard protocol.

Invented by the Guild of Technomancers in both the Overworld and Underdark, the Ethernet was originally much smaller. It was just simply a special network that utilized etherial energy to facilitate remote communications between hackerspaces (guild halls) without the need to rely on the physical transport of information which proved to be unreliable in certain situations. This project known as the GUILDNET during its early years was the result of years of research and development on using the ether to transmit binary data from one point to another.

This was considered a fools errend by nearly all of society due to the fact that no one believed it was possible to send information though the ether. Even the various groups of mages in both realms thought it was impossible to establish a constant always-on connection between two points using any kind of magical medium. But the Guild of Technomancers continued their research regardless.

The original concept had the connection use two solid streams of binary data running along the connection in opposite directions. So messages and transmissions would be sent as solid strings of data. However this proved to be problematic since the data was constantly being corrupted in transit. It was discovered that these streams were subjected to very subtle interference by the environment and the natural noise emitted by the ether. Because of this, some small chunks of the data stream didn't get received or got received scrambled.

The guild attemped to rectify this by using error correcting methods but it proved to be extremely ineffective since the entire stream had to be resent each time the receiver sent a message to the equivalent of "didn't get that, send it again". This overloaded the connection and caused the network to crash constantly. Also these solid streams of data required too many dedicated connections since multiple messages couldn't be sent to different hosts over the same connection at once.

All of these problems occured just over the wired connections. Wireless connections could be used to rectify some of the problems but the atomospheric noise rendered solid data steams completely useless.

Realizing that the GUILDNET was never going to work, the guild was about to give up on the project, until someone found a solution. One of the members suggested that instead of a solid stream of data for each message, the data be split into small fragments and sent over the connection that way. Each fragment could contain the data, some error correcting info and information about the sender and receiver. This would also allow multiple messages be sent to different hosts at once over the same connection.

This idea developed into the currect packet swiched system the ethernet uses today.

became a widely adapted system which spawned a variety of services such as websites, social media, news, email, and more. It was so popular that the inhabitents of the Underdark took notice and adapted system as well. But the differences in morality between the Overworld and the Underdark soon caused conflicts between the two regions.

After what was known as the Great Ethernet War in which both worlds fought over control of the Ethernet it was discovered that no single party could control the network becuase the hardware was controled by many different people. Eventually after various online skirmishes, the Underdark developed a series of encrypted network protocols called Onion Routing and Garlic Routing protocols. These allowed verious sites and users to remain hidden and completely anonymous. These protocols formed what became known as the Darknet.

Eventually all the people in the Underdark started to use the Darknet exclusively when using the Ethernet. The Overworld Ethernet eventually became known as the Clearnet. To access the Darknet, special browsing software is required but the speeds are extremely fast. Just as fast as the Clearnet. Some of the things you will find in the Darknet are: Hacker Forums, Livestreamed Torture, Slave Auctions, Black Markets, and other shady and morally questionable services.

Sometimes verious Kingdoms in the Overworld will send law enforcement teams down into the Underdark to seize and shut down these hidden sites. But not one single team has ever been seen or heard from again after decending into the Underdark. It is usually discovered when serfing those hidden sites, that they end up as slaves or sacrifices. Because of this, there have been attempts to block all traffic to and from the Underdark but due to how the Darknet works, there is no way to detect any Underdark traffic to be blocked.

However, another result of the Ethernet, it didn't take long for people to discover cyber warfare. There has been many cyber-skirmishes between the Overworld and the Underdark as well as between the factions in the two regions. Because of this, everyone is constantly on the lookout for cyber attacks as well as running them against each other. An arms race has begun between cyber security experts and cyber attackers. Each trying to harden and breach systems accordingly.

This has kept the Guild of Technomancers busy trying to keep themselves out of the crossfire. It has been difficult due to them being constantly being targeted unintentionally and sometimes intentionally.

Crime has also started moving into the Ethernet too. Thieves Guilds has been making use of hacking to steal valuable data from people using the Darknet. Assassins Guilds have been using the Darknet to hide their communiations.

The Guild of Technomancers believes that the pros of the Ethernet outweigh the cons however.

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