The staff was indeed forged by the black king Vlame to aid him in his hellish crusade. The shaft in made of black saphire and on it's tip is a arge red ruby nicknamed "the dragons ire" for it glows bright when controling Dragons and griffins. To hold the ruby inplace a actuall dragon claws fitted from the shaft the the ruby.

Magical Properties:

This weapon is both magical and cursed because it can controle the will of Dragons and Griffins, (need I say temporary again) as well as be a machanisme of torture. It's gruesome abilities are to slowly burn away the most sensitive parts of your body from the inside. Vlame enjoys burning eternal organ that are not fatal. The sreams of agony are a syphony to him. The curses are if a good man of a clar conscience carries it to long, it currupts his heart and makes him evil. But, it also takes energy to controle the will of Dragons and Griffins. The energy of the staff is indeed powerful but there is a lack of it wich makes the control temporary. It takes a full 24 hours to "recharge" in between times, it is as harful as a dry stick. (Warning, if hit repeditely in this state may cause a slight bruise!!)

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