
A pale and thin specter of a woman, Sophelia favors most often her simple robes, their off-white color doing little to enhance her own, while the sigils upon them mark her as a servant of the Queen of Death.

Still, her narrow face bears gentle silvery eyes and most often a soft expression, as if she would try to bring the world relief from its pain.


Like many another orphan, Sophelia had her family taken from her at a young age by plague. Unlike many others, it was not entirely an unattended event. A follower of the Queen of Mercy entered town, when the plague was at its worst, and finding her parents and siblings in the throes of the horrible disease, took up his knife, and slew them, to grant them peace. And as she watched them die, Sophelia could find within herself no anger. Only joy, in the end of their suffering. And though she thought it strange, she followed him, and learned his ways. After all, it was apparent to her that the man was doing the right thing.

And having learned his art, she departed him, to add her own simple twist to it.

Roleplaying Notes

Having dedicated herself to Kronath, the Queen of Death, Sophelia is dedicated to bringing the mercy of death where it is needed. In her 'apprenticeship', she has learned to ward herself from various illnesses and poisons, and a hundred ways to slaughter a man as if he were a food animal. But to her mind, this is not dignified. No, it is her wont to attempt to bring death in the most painless and, to her, aesthetically pleasing manners as possible. She has developed a marked skill with poison, so much so that she has been propositioned by... and soundly rebuffed... several assassin's guilds.

Primarily a color character, Sophelia is most likely to be called upon to relieve the suffering... or accused of murder. What is the truth likely to be this day?

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