Back in the days, when the federation was first gaining power, an infection broke out. It affected all life and killed the host life form within days. Though it affected all creatures, it only spread through lizardfolk. Soon people became fearful of the reptilian humanoids and they were forbidden from most things. They were kept in quarantine camps, and where not allowed to work or live near any other race. After a few years a cure was found and the lizard folk thought life would return to normal, but that was not to be.

The fear remained. They still could not find jobs; even factories would hire weaker people as long as they were not lizard folk. But then a lizardfolk by the name of Urn’cala, realized something. In his home town of Valoc he noticed that the robbery and bandit raids were happening all the time, and the federation, which was off fighting wars in other lands, was unwilling and unable to do anything about it. So he decided to start the group which he called Slash, for he was keen with a saber.

If hard times were the mother of Slash, then union of the lizard folk was the father. For it seemed as though every lizard folk in the surrounding areas flocked to this group, each one needing a job and money. The people of the town where amazed at the mass of lizardfolk in the tavern where Slash held its meetings. They were soon kicked out of the tavern. Luckily a local holy man who owned the church building allowed them to stay at the church until they had a proper building to dwell in.

The timing was perfect. For a local bandit gang started raiding outposts a day later, Slash was given the job to scatter this gang to the four winds. So then out of the church building, poured hundreds of lizard folk some with weapons, some with only their claws and thick skin on their back. They marched on, to prove to the people, that they were worth their weight in gold.

So began working of slash to put lizardfolk back onto the social ladder.

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