In the early days when the forces of the De Madden Company came up against those of the Kraken States, both seemed easily matched. On one side, the fleets of the De Madden Company and their marines, on the other, the massive Krakens, their magic and the mercenary armies they hired before their own citizens were organized into a proper navy. The Shogun called his finest scientists together and asked them to make weapons of magi-tech that could be mass-produced and used to equip large numbers of soldiers with.

As well as the Company Steamsword for their diver units to wield underwater, and The C-47 Thaumatech Rifle for land use, they also came up with the Company XI, in effect a hand-cannon. To use it, the person's hand is strapped into the heavy gun which is supported by the person's arm. Despite thick leather padding, it is rather uncomfortable to wear for long periods. Also, each time it is fired, the inside becomes five degrees hotter.

The part that does the firing is a small metal sphere with a pentagram drawn on it,with small amethyst pieces at the points of the pentagram and a fire rune drawn in the center. Each time it is used, the fire rune emits a fireball the size of two human fists, capable of burning a hole in a wooden door or in a suit of plate armour, and with devastating effects on flesh and bone.

Each time it is used, some of the magical energy stays behind and heats the sphere by 10 degrees Centigrade and the rest of the weapon by half that. Unless something is done,constant firing will make the XI too hot to hold. There are three ways to deal with the problem...once can wait for the weapon to cool, which takes a while. One can also replace the sphere, but thick gloves are needed as by the time it needs to be replaced the sphere can be very hot indeed.

Or one can cool it with water,snow or any non flammable liquid. However, the first time this is done there will be a 10% chance of breaking the weapon, a chance that goes up by 10% each time this is repeated within a month.

When tested, as a general infantry weapon for close combat it was rejected,as it had a high chance of either injuring the user's hand or breaking within a couple of hours of combat use from being often cooled down with water.

However, every platoon has someone armed with this as well as a C-47 for when the XI either becomes too hot to hold or breaks from too much cooling. It is most useful for sieges on land,as most locks and bars cannot withstand it's power. At sea it can immobilize enemy ships by burning their sails, and is a good weapon for starting a battle with.

(Notes-this was meant for the Fire quest but I left it too late.)

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