"Have you ever needed to get a game started quickly?"

"Have you ever found your group being a bit too random in their character generation and not fitting the campaign you were planning?"

"Have you just wanted to build characters and just go?"

I sure have, For years I was the demostration guy for Tri-Tac West games and a few other companies. I was runnig games for total strangers who knew little about it. I had to find a way to show off character generation, generate a really cool consistant game, and still run the game in under five hours. It is practically impossible to do. This system of cards and chips is what I came up with.

It works really well for game demostrations. One of the problems with demostration games was first, putting the characters together and second, getting a consistant group from randomly generated character from people not only unfamiliar with the game, but unfamiliar with each other.

It is also hard to run characters that you don't know well.

The cards allow players to make defined choices, but choices that the GM knows about and can work with.

One time, I wanted to run the demo game for my friends, so we use the cards and it was all good. Hoewver, we then continued the campaign using those same character and I found that it helped generate a better campaign.

I tried it again, but this time creating specifically for a campign, rather than a one shot. It worked. It has worked well every time I have tried it. I think it will work for all of you too.

To make this system work you will need
lots of 3x5 cards
many envelopes
some poker chips or other markers
And a few hours of prep work.

The Key to this system is Character Cards
Each character card will add something to a character, either game mechanics (attribute values, gifts, flaws, boons, skills), or story element (bits of their past, personality, relationships to the world, values, memberships, and other conception pieces that tie the character together), or some mix of both.

Each card has a cost of somekind.

What is on each card depends on the category of cards. There are several that I use:

Role Cards

Role Cards define who the character is. Such cards define the character's identity, give a general idea for the type of primary cards it can take, and any specific things for the character
*Often times, I have split role cards. One has the (public) story and conception elements. Once they choose their role, they can then see the matching card that has all the details and associated mechanics/ story elements.

Primary Cards

These define a character's focus or primary abilities. This might be general Warrior/warfare, Scholar, Priest, Monk, Noble. However, depending on the campaign and the number of players, there might be variations. In a game where nearly everyone is a warrior, there will be primary cards for Fast Warrior, Skilled Warrior, Strong Warrior, Bow Specialist, and so on. This way every warrior will not be identicle.


: These cards define a minor focus the character has, something besides their primary focus they are good at. These are often similar in categories to the primary abilities, but would include additional things not available: "world traveler", social butterfly, bar crawler, linguist, lover of maps, and so on.

Chrome Cards

: These are various tweaks and quirks that add depth to the character. Each envelope for a card will have a color or one word that implies what the card inside is about. The cards could give you a position on religion, could define if you are wealthy or poor, if you are lucky, if you are secretly a werewolf, if you have magical gifts, and other things that add a touch of chrome to the characters. Usually you can only have one chrome card, but some people will buy more.

Category Cards

: There can be any number of category cards in a game. Each category card defines the characters position, views, or abilities in some aspect of the campaign. So if Religion is a category card, each card defines a religious position and any religion related gifts/ flaws/ skills/ perks associated with that position. Magic Category cards define how the character views magic and often why. The possible categories are endless and based on the campaign/ one shot.

Relationship Cards

: Each character will get two of these. They will define the character's relationship to the rest of the troupe/ player characters and possibly their relationship to important NPCS as well. Two links to the group or the world ensures the character will be deeply involved in the group and the campaign as they have something to build on. I will cover these here, but there is an entire article on these called, strangely enough, Relationship Cards.

One shot, playtest creation sequence.
Hand the Sheet to each player to explain things

Needs Rewrite
Select a Persona Card (A card with a blue line). A persona card defines a notable role for the story. Every character must have a persona card. The persona card determines the character template for the character. A template is the basic game mechanic bones of the character. If more than one template is available to that persona card, the player chooses which one. Certain templates are marked unique. Only one version of a unique template may be in play at a given time. A persona card may have additional traits and enhancements (game mechanics) on the bottom. The player should add these to the character's sheet.
Select Bit cards. A bit card adds background material to the character. A character must have one bit card, but can have up to five bits added to the character. In addition to story material, a bit card grants the character additional traits and enhancements (game mechanics). Most bits provide positive things to the character, but a few include some negative aspects.

Why do I have poker chips? A good question. Each poker chip represents bonus points. A player can convert bonus points into experience points, allowing their character to start at a higher level. If more than one player wants a specific persona or bit card, they may start a bidding war or auction for the card. The player that spends the most bonus points wins that card, but has fewer bonus points to purchase extra experience points.

Once a player has selected all its cards and its character template, the GM will walk everyone through creating their characters sheet. In addition to the basics from the characters template, many cards have additional traits and enhancements (game mechanics) for the character. With the GMs permission, most traits can be changed.

Advancing the character:
This section will have to be written for your game system. Each character needs to be balanced. I like to start out with a certain amount of free experience points to move the characters along and allow them to choose any level boons they might recieve. Every card has a cost, usually in these experience points. Cards that are really useful have a big cost deducted from the base amount, while disadvantagous cards add exp to it.

Each character will start with 500 EPs plus 100 EPs per bonus points. Depending on the characters EP MOD, the character will now be between 1st and 4th level. Each level of advancement grants the character one additional trait and adds +1 level to any AoE in the characters CoreFocus.

How to create cards
Develop Setting
Determine General Plot
Create Character Roles and some of the possible Primary and Secondarys
Figure out a more specific plot.
Finsih off cards.

How to manfuacture cards

why 3x5 cards, why not a piece of paper. Players like tangible things they can touch, show, and trade. So it does not have to be 3x5 cards, but they are simple, easy, and of a convient size to use.

Type: Fast Soldier I (Party Animal)
EP MOD 1.05x (1.1-.2, +.15) Level Boon Traits
10 PHY Wiry +3/7- COM Soldier
15 DEX Lightning Fast +5/9- Gift: Loyal to Friends
12 MEN Observant +4/8- CON-0 Guardsman
10 EMO Hot tempered (2) +3/8- ATH Climbing
9 MPY Lucky +3/8-
12 CHA Fun Loving +4/8-

Archetype: Guardsman
COM Swordsman, ATH Acrobat, SOC Low Society, High Society Parties

BKG Was a stable boy ANI+2 Horses +.15x

Type: Fast Soldier II (Duelist)
EP MOD 1.25 (1.05+0+.2) Level Boon Traits
8 PHY Frail +2/6- KNW-0 Holy Book
18 DEX Deadly Accurate +6/10- S/T Small Unit Combat
10 MEN Keen Wit, Perceptive +3/10- COM Gentlemans Weapons
12 EMO Serious +4/8- ATH-0 Climbing
11 MPY Pious +3/7-
12 CHA Handsome +4/8-

Archetype: Guardsman
CoreFocus COM, DEC, L-ATH, S/T
COM Swordsman In Duels Musket, DEC Sneaking L-ATH Tough, S/T In Personal Combat
Flaw: Must defend the honor of self, friends, and innocent. (1) Flaw: Nemesis: Relatives of those you have killed. (2) BKG KNW+2 Clerical Training

Type: Strong Soldier I (Falstaff) Unique
EP MOD 1.25 (1.15+0+.1) Level Boon Traits
15 PHY Great Strength +5/9- COM Fisticuffs
12 DEX Fast for Size +4/8- ATH Drinking
10 MEN Common Mans Wisdom +3/7- KNW Literacy
11 EMO Strong willed +3/7- CON Kings spies
11 MPY Fallen from the church +3/7-
16 CHA Loved by All +5/9-

Archetype: Guardsman
COM Soldier, ATH Physically Capable, F-ATH Strength
CON Loved by all walks of live, King
BKG: Kings old Friend INF+1 Wealth, Court +.1x
Flaw Pretends to be bumbling Coward (1), Flaw Loyal to friends (1)

Type: Strong Soldier II (Ox)
EP MOD +1x (1.2-.2+0) Level Boon Traits
20 PHY Size of an Ox +6/10- ATH Climbing
12 DEX Nimble +4/8- COM Soldier
3 MEN Not Very Bright +1/6- COM Soldier
12 EMO Will not quit +4/8- COM Soldier
15 MPY Touch of Druid Blood +5/9- L-ATH Scars-even tougher
14 CHA Lovable +4/8-

Archetype: Guardsman
CoreFocus COM, L-ATH, LUK
COM Soldier, L-ATH Resisting Damage, Luck Avoiding bad things

Type: Skilled Soldier I (Secret) Unique
EP MOD 1.25x (1.1+0+.15) Level Boon Traits
12 PHY Athletic Build +4/8- GUL-0 Lying
12 DEX Fast reflexes even when drunk +4/8- ATH-0 Climbing
12 MEN Sharp eyes +4/8- DEC-0 Sneaking
11 EMO Strong Will +3/7- COM-Swordsman
11 MPY Bound to Country +3/7-
13 CHA Dashing Good Looks +4/8-
Archetype: Guardsman
COM Soldier Swordsman F-COM Swordsman,
CRT High Court, L-ATH Tough Resisting Alcohol, L-ANI Horses
Gift: Total loyalty to those who deserve it (King, Princess, and Friends)
Flaw: Love of Drink (1) BKG: KNW+1 Formal Education
Flaw: (Secret) Ex-Noble who exiled himself for loving the queen before the scandal could be made public. He has returned in secret under a new name. Now that she is gone, he is here to look after her daughter. (2)

Type: Skilled Soldier II (Traveler) Unique
EP MOD 1.3 (1-.1+.4) Level Boon Traits/ JOT
10 PHY Tall +3/7- TRA City / DEC-0 Slight
11 DEX Quick +3/7- Ally: Noble servant/ S/T Gambling
13 MEN Witty +4/8- COM w/ MA/ PER-0 Sharp Eyes
11 EMO Honorable +3/7-
9 MPY Wits, not luck +3/7-
13 CHA Charming +4/8-

Archetype: Guardsman
CoreFocus COM, ATH, JOT
COM Guardsman ATH Sailor, JOT Widely traveled
BKG: World Traveler TRA+2 World Traveler Sailor EXP Gift: Lived in the East COM- Martial Arts LAN+1 World Traveler +.4x

Type: Brilliant Courtier
EP MOD 1.2 (1.1-.1+.2) Level Boon Traits
9 PHY Well proportioned +3/7- KNW Everyday Life
11 DEX Graceful +3/7- CMU Conversation
15 MEN Brilliant +5/9- KNW Political world
10 EMO Even Tempered +3/7- CON Guardsman
10 MPY Tied to the Future +3/7-
17 CHA Handsome/ Beautiful +5/9-

Archetype: Courtier
KNW Formal Education, DED Mysteries CMU Oratory,
CON Court Servants

BKG STA+2 Famed problem Solver

Type: Beautiful Courtier
EP MOD 1.1 (1.1+0+0) Level Boon Traits
11 PHY Well proportioned +3/7- COM+0 Knife
9 DEX Graceful +3/7- GUL+0 Spotting Lies
10 MEN Charming +3/7- CMU Oratory
13 EMO Steel Will +4/8- CON Criminals
10 MPY Pious +3/7-
18 CHA One of the Most Beautiful/Handsome in the Realm (2), Choose two more traits dealing with your appearance or general relationships with others +6/10-

Archetype: Courtier
CoreFocus: CRT, SOC, CMU, CON, INF
CRT Intrigue:, SOC High Court, CMU Gossip CON High Court:
INF Noble

Type: Sneaky Courtier
EP MOD (1.15 Level Boon Traits
10 PHY Good Constitution +3/7- COM Swordsman/Knife
12 DEX Deft +4/8- DEC Slight of Hand
13 MEN Brilliant +4/8- CON Criminals
12 EMO Driven +4/8- S/T Court Intrigue
12 MPY Lucky as Sin +4/8-
13 CHA Innocent Looks +4/8-

Archetype: Courtier
CRT Intrigue, GUL Manipulating People, DEC Being unseen and unheard, CON Blackmail Victim Guardsman

Flaw: Nemesis: Other Factions at Court (2 frequent)
Flaw: Nemesis: Blackmail Victims (2 Violent)
Type: Soldier/Courtier
EP MOD (.95-.3+0 Level Boon Traits
11 PHY Strong +3/7- COM Swordsman
13 DEX Fast +4/8- PER-0 Sharp Ears
10 MEN Smart +3/7- CRT Politics
11 EMO Cool +3/7- CRT Intrigue
8 MPY Pious +2/6- SUR Wood Craft
13 CHA Good Looking +4/8-

Archetype: Courtier
CoreFocus: COM+L-ATH+CRT
COM Soldier, L-ATH Resisting Trauma, Court Day to Day court

Type: Soldier/Scout Unique
EP MOD (1.1+0+0) Level Boon Traits
15 PHY Great Endurance +5/9- COM Bow
13 DEX Swift as Wind +4/8- SUR Tracking
10 MEN Perceptive +3/8- ANI Choose other animal
12 EMO Empathy with Nature +4/8- PER In Forest
10 MPY One with the woods +3/7-
8 CHA Homily +2/6-

Archetype: Woodsman
COM Soldier, ATH Woodsman, SUR Woods, ANI Horses
Gift: Animal Follower Pick one Wolf/ Hawk/ or Horse
Flaw: Secret: Druid Follower (1)

Type: Lackey
EP MOD (1+0+0) Level Boon Traits
12 PHY Capable +4/8- CON Choose one
12 DEX Quick +4/8- SOC Choose one
10 MEN Smarter than anyone thinks CON Choose one
9 EMO Follows the leader +3/7- SOC Choose one
10 MPY Neutral +3/7-
9 CHA Good Looking +3/7-

CoreFocus: L-COM, L-DEC, GUL, SOC, CON
L-COM Knife or Sword, L-DEC Sneaking, GUL Spying,
SOC and CON Choose one (Court, Servants, Church, Guardsman, Low Society)

Type: Refined Servant
EP MOD +.75 (.95-.2+0) Level Boon Traits
8 PHY Delicate +2/6- VHL-0 Horses/Carriages
10 DEX Graceful +3/7- GUL-0: Gossip
12 MEN Refined +4/8- CON-0 Other servants
10 EMO Proper +3/7- COM: Knife
10 MPY Pious +3/7-
14 CHA Good Looking, but feel free to change this one +4/8-

Archetype: Servant
CoreFocus: CFT, CRT, STY, SOC
CFT Servant, CRT Finer points of court, STY Fine dressing, SOC Nobles

Type: Beautiful servant
EP MOD 1x (1.1-.1+0) Level Boon Traits
10 PHY Well defined body +3/7- CRT Who is who
14 DEX Graceful +4/8- ROM Matchmaking
10 MEN Observant of Details +3/8- ANI-0Horses
11 EMO Friendly +3/7- PER-0: Keen Hearing
12 MPY Lucky +4/8-
15 CHA Beautiful /Handsome +5/9-

Archetype: Servant
CoreFocus: CFT, CRT, ROM, DEC
CFT Servant, CRT Serving noble, ROM Secret Loves, DEC Sneaking

Type: Director (Jackie Howard)
EP MOD .8x (1.1-.3+0) Level Boon Traits
8 PHY A little out of shape +3/7- INF Wealth
11 DEX Dart player +3/7- STG Directing
12 MEN Visionary +4/8- STG Electrical work.. How I
15 EMO Massive Ego +5/9- started out in the biz.
10 MPY Make your own luck +3/7- EMO: Willpower
13 CHA Commanding voice +4/8-

Archetype: Director
CoreFocus STG+MA+INF
STG: Directing, INF Movie Company, MA: Any

Type: Movie Hero (Jeff Lee)
EP MOD 1.25 (1.25+0+0) Level Boon Traits
13 PHY Well proportioned +4/8- CHA: Good Looking
13 DEX Lightning Fast +4/8- MA Trait
12 MEN Clever Looking +4/8- MA Trait
13 EMO Driven +4/8- VHL Cars
13 MPY Charmed Life +4/8-
15 CHA Commanding presence +5/10

Archetype: Martial Arts Movie Star
MA (Prefered Dragon or Mantis, or JKD), Stagecraft Action Movie Star, LUK In the right place at the right time VHL Motor Cycle

Type: Movie Antagonist (Arnold Dorfemager)
EP MOD 1.7 (1.25+0+.45) Level Boon Traits
18 PHY Body Builder +6/10- COM Wresting
10 DEX Fast for Bulk +3/10- COM Movie Martial Arts
15 MEN Brilliant +5/9- VHL Sailboats
12 EMO Tough Guy Image +4/8- LAN Japanese
10 MPY Average +3/7-
13 CHA Intimidating, Screen Presence +4/8-

Archetype: Movie Actor
CoreFocus COM, ATH, F-ATH, STG
COM Military Service, ATH Fitness Expert F-ATH Strength
STG Movie Star

BKG Famous Move Star INF+2 Directors, Wealth, STA+2 +.45
Flaw: Bad Heart from years of steroid use. (1)

Type: Head Archeologists (Kylie Roberts)
EP MOD 1.3 (1.3-.1+.1) Level Boon Traits
7 PHY Frail +2/6- POW-0 Womans Intuition
14 DEX Cobra Quickness +4/8- LUK-0 Escaping Danger
18 MEN Intuitive Genius +6/10- SCI Ancient Asian Archeo.
14 EMO Caring +4/8- PHY: Resilience
15 MPY Connected to the past +5/9-
15 CHA Beautiful +5/9-

Archetype: Archeologist
CoreFocus: SCI, DED, LAN, MA
SCI Archeology:, DED Puzzles of the Past, LAN Ancient Ones,
MA: Any Kungfu, but prefer Crane or Dragon

BKG: INF+1 Head of the Archeological team +.1x
Type: Major Martial Arts Extra I (Religion) Shenhi Choi
EP MOD (.9+ Level Boon Traits
10 PHY Average build +3/7- STG Movie
11 DEX Smooth motion +3/7- MA Wirework
11 MEN Attentive to details +3/7- MA Trait
10 EMO Focused +3/7- MA Trait
9 MPY Pious Buddist +3/7-
12 CHA Everymans face +3/7-

Archetype: Minor Movie Star
CoreFocus MA+STG+FOC
MA: AnyKung-Fu (Mantis prefered), Akiedo
STG: Asian Stagework, FOC Meditation

Type: Major Martial Arts Extra (Criminal) Bruce Chan
EP MOD (1+0+0) Level Boon Traits
12 PHY Big +4/8- STG-0 Movie Extra
13 DEX Fast +4/8- COM-0 Firearms
8 MEN Knows the score +2/6- MA: GUN-FU
10 EMO Self Serving +3/7- TEC Electronics
11 MPY Who believes in that shit? +3/7-
13 CHA Charming +4/8-

Archetype: Organized Crime Soldier
MA: Any, Prefer Karate or Street Fighting
GUL Lying, TEC Security systems Motors , L-DEC Sneaking

Flaw: Secret Wanted Criminal (1)

Type: Archeologist (Music) Dr. Bennie Wiseman
EP MOD 1.1x (1.1+0+0) Level Boon Traits
11 PHY Strong +3/7- CON: Criminal
11 DEX Delicate touch +3/7- ART-0 Lyrics
12 MEN Detail oriented +4/8- SUR: Woodlands
13 EMO Empathic +4/8-
13 MPY One with the Universe +4/8-
14 CHA Too Hip for words +4/8-

Archetype: Archeologist
SCI Archeology, PRF Guitar, LUK Survival Gambling, MA: Karate

Flaw: Secret/Obligation Owes Mob bigtime Money
Type: Techie Archeology Bryce Coston
EP MOD 1x (1+0+0) Level Boon Traits
10 PHY Couch Potato +3/7- SCI: Biology
w/ Exercise equipment
12 DEX Manual Dexterity +4/8- TEC: Electrical Systems
13 MEN Science Guy +4/8- VHL: Scuba
10 EMO Happy +3/7- MA: Trait
14 MPY Affinity with Machines +4/8-
8 CHA Fun to be around +2/6-

Archetype: Technician
SCI Archeology, Chemistry, Electronics
TEC: Metal fabrication, VHL Cycles, MA Any, but Karate

Flaw: Diabetic (2) for the purpose of this scenario

Type: Technician/ F/X Guy (Tech-Movie) Morgan Black
EP MOD 1.3 (1.1-.1+.3) Level Boon Traits
10 PHY Average Guy +3/7- SCI: Demolition
15 DEX Fastest hands +5/9- DEX: Steady Hands
15 MEN Skeptical +5/9- ACC: Handguns
13 EMO Negative attitude +4/8- SCI Computer CGI
9 MPY Sees Ghosts +3/7-
7 CHA Always Doom and Gloom +2/6-

SCI Chemistry, STG Makeup Lighting Sound Effects
ACC NRA Member, MA: Any

BKG: Survivalist: ACC+1 Rifles, SUR+1 Woods, PER+1 Danger
(-1) Paranoid, (+1) Will to survive. +.3x

Type: Stunt Guy Johnny Red
EP MOD (1.15+0+0) Level Boon Traits
15 PHY Buff, Tough +5/9- SUR-0 Backwoods
15 DEX Timing is everything +5/9- ACC-0 Thrown Knives
9 MEN Not as stupid as he looks +3/7- Gift: Daredevil
10 EMO Daredevil +3/7- Gift: When Angry
14 MPY Save me Jesus +4/8-
11 CHA Looks Stupid +3/7-

Archetype: ATH, F-ATH, MA, F-LUK
CoreFocus: ATH Works out daily, F-ATH Stuntwork
F-LUK Surviving close calls, MA: Kung-Fu-Tiger, Street Fighting, or Kempo

Flaw: A little too down home (1):

Captain H. DArtano Dashing Leader of the Guard

The Guardsman are the Crowns personal soldiers and bodyguards, permanently stationed at Crowns head, the Kings Palace/abode. As leader of the Guard, you are in charge of the Kings (and his daughters) personal safety. A task made easier (and harder), by the brave and heroic bunch of undisciplined yahoos call the Guardsman. On a personal note: You have achieved this position through some hard work and a few connections. You are not loved by all the Guardsman, but they will follow you. Count Dumas does not like you. He does not think you are the right man for the job. His choice was Louis DeArgent. A man who has recently quit his commission and taken up odd jobs for various noblemen.

Templates: Any soldier, except Strong Soldier I or II. Includes Courtier Soldier

Receives: BKG: Leader of the Guard INF+2 STA+2 Nemesis: Enemies of the Crown (3) for Free. Character should take a Fencing School Bit

Aric DeVovon: Staunch Defender of the Crown

Aric is known by all of the Court to be one of the greatest defenders of the Crown. Aric has always rallied support behind the King. In his other duties to the Crown, Aric has always gone above and beyond the call of duty; be it onthe field of battle, or the table of diplomacy, or in the shadows of espionage. You are one of many young lords who might win the hand of the Princess Margarette. Count Dumas is a sometimes ally, as he supports the country rather than the King.

Template: Any Soldier, except Strong soldier II. The Brilliant Courtier or Beautiful Courtier is also possible. Female is also an option..
Receives: Gift: Defender of the Crown. +2 while defending
BKG: Defender of the Crown STA+2 Nemesis: Enemies of the Crown (3) +.05x
BKG: Noble INF+2 +.3x

Lt. Corneilus DeVon The Lieutenant (Can be female)

You are the second in command of the Guardsman. They are a rowdy bunch, and you enjoy being rowdy with them. They are, however, the finest fighters in the Kings Army. You are good friends with Mon Captain. When he was promoted to Captain, over DeArgent, he promoted you as his second. While you have been with the Guardsman longer, you never dreamed about being promoted so high. You are friends with Lady Marie DeLorraine, though you do not completely agree with her politics. Count Dumas is also trying to curry your favor as well. Things are becoming interesting.

Template: Any Soldier, or the Lackey.
Receives: BKG: Second of the Guard INF+2 Nemesis: Enemies of the Crown (2).
Character must take a Fencing School Bit

If Female, Take the Social Flaw Woman in a mans world Always proving self.

Lord (Lady) Q. DeChevalry Black Courtier

The DeChevalry family has a reputation for producing some of finest diplomats and advisors every to grace the Kings courts, as well as the most dangerous political schemers in the history of Gaullia. The family has always served the Land. It serves the Crown when the Crown is strong. You decided to make your way through Court, yet you find your way at Court blocked by your familys darker reputation. After being accused of many devious and self serving events, you decided to embrace and master the very tactics you were accused of using. Now you are a force to be reckoned with. However, no one believes good of you. No matter what you do, people still see you as a dark schemer. Count Dumas pretends to the paragon of virtue, yet his soul is blacker than any member of your family. He has blocked you and the causes you have promoted since you have arrived at court. You support the Greens, but you are publicly a Blue.

Template: Sneaky Courtier, but any courtier is possible.
Receives: BKG: Dark Noble INF+3, STA-3 +0x.

Argent Denorne Young Guardsman

You are mew to the city, the court, and the Guard. You are a probationary Guardsman. The only reason you have been considered for the Guardsman is that your father was one of its great heroes. You feel that you must become a hero in your own right or forever live under the shadow of your Father.

Template: Any Soldier, except Strong Soldier I and Skilled Soldier I.
Receives: Gift: Heroic Drive And any one trait. Flaw: Nemesis: DeArgent (2)

Lady (Lord) L. Karvon Principal of the Court

You are a principal at court. You are one of those people who determine what is popular and proper. This makes you one of the movers and shakers at court. The Church grants you a private confessor. People look for your approval. People run ideas past you about any number of things. When you say things, people listen. True, you are only a lesser noble. However, the power you can wield is beyond what most of the greater nobles can ever hope to wield. The Greens and the Blues both court you, though you are publicly a Yellow. Count Dumas, though publicly cordial, has worked behind the scenes to undermine you power.

Template: Any Courtier or Strong Soldier I (requires military service bit)
Receives: BKG: STA+5 Principal at Court INF+1 Lesser Noble
CRT+1 Principal at Court +.75x

Jaque Chief Herald

You are one of the numerous court functionaries. As a herald, your duties include announcing people at court, arranging appointments, and delivering messages for members of the court. As the chief herald, your duties are whatever the King (or the Castlean) wants you to do, and making the other Heralds do all the work.

Templates: Any courtier, including soldier courtier, Any servant, Lackey, or any soldier if Court related bit can be procured.

BKG: Professional INF+2 Heralds +.2x

Pouf Jester

To the world, you are the Kings clown. You prance about and play pranks. Everyone laughs at you, and then ignores you as they go on to other business. Just the way they are supposed to. You are the Kings Black One; his personal tool for less than honorable tasks. Once you doff your jester suit and make up, no one ever recognizes you. You spy, steal, or assassinate (if needed) for the King. You want to take out Dumas. While dangerous to the Crown, he is still too helpful to be eliminated. You can help people in your Jester identity, but can never compromise it.

Template: Lackey. Skilled Soldier I or II, Fast Soldier II.
Receives: BKG: Black Ones Training PRF+2 Jester, Disguise,
COM+2 Fighting with what is at hand, DEC+2 Sneaking
GUL+2 Lying Spotting Lies, Spying Flaw Obligation to King- do what ever is asked (-2), Flaw: Secret Jester/ Black One Identity (-2) +55x
BKG: Lived in Court CRT+2 People of the Court Rep-3 Clown +0x

Argant DeMarselle Older Lord/ WarHorse

You have been in court longer than many of these pups have been alive. You earned your title, rather than being born to it. You have has defended the Crown in battle. (Several famous ones, or so he says.) You have defended the Crown at Court (Ask Him). You knew the dreaded Count Dumas when he was a green behind the ears pup. (He is not so tough, or so smart, that this old fox cant outsmart him.) You will stand by the King and the Princess to the end. Besides, these children running the court, cant possibly hope to support the Crown without your help.

Templates: Soldier/Courtier, Strong Soldier I, Any soldier with a Court relatives bit, any courtier with a fencing school and wartime service bits.

Receives: Flaw: Pompous Old Windbag (1), Flaw Believes he is indispensable (1) Flaw: Physical old (1):
Gift Lots of Experience: 1 Virtual Level (Add one level) and Two traits.

Gerard DeMarselle Notable Guardsman

You are a Guardsman of note. Everyone, including the Captain, thinks highly of you. You are the one most often chosen for special duties. Some day, you will be a great hero of the Guard. Until that day, you will enjoy your life and your position.

Template: Any Soldier except, Soldier/scout and Strong Soldier I

BKG: Man of Note STA+2 +.1x

Jeanette DeQuau Lady in Waiting

You are the Princesss lady in waiting. You are more than her servant. You are her friend and confidant. You have seen many things in your time with her. Not all of them with your physical senses. The palace is built upon a powerful node, a center of mystical power. You have pledged your life and your abilities to the princess. By the way, Dumas does not have the Power. He has used followers with Druidic magiks and Witchblood powers in the past.

Template: Any servant. Any Courtier.

BKG: Princesss second STA+1Court +.1x
BKG: Witchblood POW+1 The Sight Sorcery Gift/Ally Lord DeVerde - the local leader of the circle and a mentor (2) Flaw/Social Green/gold eyes (-1) Flaw/Nemesis Church (-1) +.2x

Quiet Servant

You are one of those people who seems invisible. You quietly go about your work and no one notices you. You are totally loyal to your master or mistress, and will do anything for them.

Template: Any Servant or Lackey.
You must choose another player character to be your employer.

BKG: Auspice DEC+3 Unnoticed Flaw Always being quiet (-2) +.2x
Gift: Total dedication to master/mistress

Popular Servant

Everyone in the Court knows you. Well, only the people who make court possible: The functionaries. All maids all give you winks. The footmen and heralds all tell stories and pass time with you. Even the Guardsmen give you some slack and let you come and go, even after curfew. Some of the minor nobles, or their children, actually ask your help upon occasion. Even Castlean Ortis likes you, (Okay it is merely tolerates, but that old sour puss does not like anyone.) If something is going on in the court, you know about it. One thing you do know, but can not prove, DeArgent is Dumass lackey. You have seen them talking in whispers in the back hallways. DeArgent may be working for various nobles, but his true employer is Dumas.

Templates: Any Servant. Lackey or Soldier/Courtier is possible, if you are attached to a Courtier template character.

BKG: Popular Servant CRT+3 Functionaries What is going on Nemesis Dumas and DeArgent (-2) +.2x

Romantic Servant

You are the most sought after servant in the Palace. Every member of the opposite sex wants you to be with them. This gives you a great deal of power for being a lowly servant. You intend to cash in on it, and have a lot of fun along the way.

Template: Any Servant, but Beautiful servant is recommended. Beautiful Courtier is possible, but you must change the INF noble to INF servant

BKG: Romantic Goddess/God CHA+3 Flame Red hair L-INF+3Romantic Suitors

Unsavory Servant

You are a servant that is given all those distasteful jobs that no one of gentile birth could possibly do. You perform the mayhem that helps the wheels of court rolling smoothly. You spy, filch, beat up, and should it come to it- kill, for your master. In exchange for these duties, you live very well for one of the lower classes.

Template: Lackey. If you must have another template, soldier/ courtier is the only other possibility.

Jackie Howard
You are Jackie Howard, Director. You have directed over fifteen action films, ten of them martial arts films. You are almost, but not quite, a big time director. With just one real success, you could be a name director, one with star appeal. This movie, and all the footage being shot, is your ticket to the big time. You have this hot young star, a big name actor, a good plot, and great visuals. This is one train you will not miss. Sure, you have had to tap some shady money to afford this film. No one ever got ahead in Hollywood by playing it straight. Your investors have sent along at least one advisor to protect their investment. You are sure there are more than one. If you can just hold everything together, you will come out on top.

A director is always in charge. Do not let them forget it. You also have three camera guys who will follow your every direction. You need to keep them and/ or their film with you. The Tong suit that has become your shadow may or may not help you.

Jeff Lee:
You were born in HK, but moved to the states when you were 12. You have always enjoyed HK action movies and dreamed of becoming a star. Actually, you just wanted to be the Hero. You are now 21 and have spent the last two years in pursuit of your dream. Your movie debut has you cast as the hero. You will be a star, and the hero of many young kids dreams.

You want to be the hero, so act the part. Remember that you see life as a movie, frame your actions and dialog accordingly.

Arnold Dorfemanger
You are a big box office draw. Action movie fans have loved you for years. The Name Arnold Dorfemanger has been a top box office draw for over ten years. Sure, your last few movies have not brought in the big bucks. They were crap. That is why you fired your agent. Your new agent has set you up as the Bad Guy in this cheesy kung fu movie. He said, It would broaden your appeal." You think he is full of crap. However, you have a family to feed, a mansion to keep up, and expensive tastes. If this stupid movie, with this dumb ass director and wet behind the ears costar, can pay the bills then okay. If it jump-starts your career, even better.

You are a big man, a big star, and a big ego. You are the only thing going for this movie. They better keep that in mind. Also keep in mind, that you are just an actor. You know you are not the characters you play. It is all an act. Keep your head, play it cool, and maybe you will survive this adventure.

Kylie Roberts: (By the way you are half Asian)
You have spent your entire life in the pursuit of the past. You finished your undergrad work in archeology/anthropology at UCLA in four years with a 4.0. You went on to the University of Tokoyo through a graduate exchange program. You would call yourself dedicated and focused. Others call you a fanatic and workaholic, and they are Japanese. The university has been working on the island for the last few years. You have been the driving force for the project for the last six months. It may be the projects last six months. You know that this island could be the key to unlocking the history of the entire pacific rim. You are very close to proving it. In an attempt to gain more funds, the University is allowing some film company to shoot around the ruins. Your work has reached a critical stage with the uncovering of site 17. This small city/temple, which you have found under too much mud and ash from a neighboring volcanic island, predates any appropriate Chinese civilization and has echoes of Grecco-Egyptian culture. You have to show your evidence to the College, or the project will be canceled.//// You are direct and to the point. You have no time for frivolous pursuits (much to the disappointment to your fellow archeologist Wiseman). You have to get the notebook (with pictures) and the three disks (files and video clips) to the mainland. It will validate your work. After your life has been sufficiently threatened, you might re-evaluate what is important. Life and Love might be more important than Work after all.

Shenhi Choi
You are a simple man making a living in an un-simple profession. While you were trained in classic Chinese theater, the changes in the world, have made a career on stage impossible. You do not have the discipline, or the actual faith, to follow your fathers calling for the priesthood. (You excelled in the mental/metaphysical aspect of the training, but did not have the spiritual side.) You have drifted, like so many other classic actors, into movie acting. While the work is sporadic, the pay is good. You will never be a star, but you will always bring in enough money to support your family.

Because of your early training, you see the world in spiritual terms. For you the world is simple, it is only our misconceptions of it that make it complicated. Keep it simple and you will go far. Your goals are simple: 1) To survive- to see your family again, 2) Achieve enlightenment, and 3) Support your family.

Bruce Takahasi
You always wanted to be a star. Being a movie actor was supposed to be the easy path to the good life. Youve got the look, and you can talk the talk, but you never achieved any degree of real success. The movie industry has a seedy side that is always looking for strong recruits that can fit in. Your martial abilities make you an ideal enforcer and getgo (a get and go man, a runner). Since you have done your duties well, he has used his connections to muscle his way into bit movie parts. This time you are helping the organization by watching over several investments it has in and on the island. It should be a cushy assignment. You just have to make sure that nothing goes wrong or that the Boss can recoup his losses. Besides, if everything goes well, any priceless archeological treasures you scoop up will line your pockets with goal, rather than the Bosss.

The world should give you everything you want, but it doesnt. You will take what you want any way you can. Most of the time you are lazy, but you can be ruthless.

Bennie Wilson
You always wanted to be a rock star. Your mother and father would only pay for college if you followed in their academic footsteps. While earning your anthropology degree at UCLA, you took as many music classes as you could. The party life was yours at UCLA. You hit the music scene while you were there. While not a superstar, you had a few gigs. You had the opportunity to go to Japan for your graduate work. The gig was too cool to pass up. Not only do you get away from your parents, but you can skip town on all the locals you owed money to. Gambling and Women are expensive habits no matter where you are. You found yourself in trouble in Tokoyo, just like in LA. You have spent the last three months laying low at this miserable dig. This has been too much like work, though most of the younger works did your music.

Bryce Coston
You were just another engineering student with some flaky social science friends. These friends invited you along to a weekend dig, where you discovered that your real science could help them in the search for the truth. A quick trip to the Deans office and you became the first Archeo-engineer in the history of UCLA. You have been working on digs ever since then. When your old friend Kylie called and asked you to come to Japan, you jumped at the chance. Besides some sightseeing, you been doing some heavy duty lab work on the Island. You have found some strange and cool stuff here on the Island; weird compounds, magnetic fluxes, and some very strange carbon reading. Kylies wierdo theory might just be right. However, there is definitely something wrong. Too many readings are just plain weird. You have a bad feeling about this. The movie people are going to bring trouble. You just know it.

You are a diabetic. You need to keep your monitoring kit and insulin close at hand. Without it, you could become very sick and possibly die.

Morgan Black

It is just a job. The food is bad. The weather is okay, but that storm is going to hit any day now. The only perk is that you get to spend a few days in Japan. Well, happy shit for that.

You are the man with the pessimistic attitude. It will all go wrong. Only you are good enough to fix it all when it does go. It probably wont work, but hey, what the heck, I will give it a try, is your motto While you will always complain about the situation, you also will never stop trying to fix it either.

Johnny Red:
You are the one of the best stunt guys in the biz. Your job is to do various bits of stunt work on the movie and to be a monster in a rubber suit for a few of the closing shots. All of actors get the close ups, and you do most of the falling, burning, and other cool stuff. When you look good, everyone looks good. Your stunts are the only way Arnold will look good. He is way over the hill. Now if you could just get a real beer and some real food, this job would be okay.

You are gung ho and direct. The world is one giant rollercoaster and you want to be in the front car. You may not be a star, but you know just as much of this Martial arts stuff as these guys.

Martial Arts: Kung Fu: Dragon Style-Power
A style inspired by the flowing, circular motions, of a serpant or dragon.
Tertiary Traits:
Block +2 to Parry
Dragons Claw Power Blow -3 to attack, adds one I-Pt to results
Multi Attack Reroll first attack attempt, apply -1 to INIT MOD

1) Linked Move: Block/ Dragons Claw
2) Athletic Action: Make an athletic action DR to perfom some slick stunt. If successful, make an attack DR and receive one of the following: end two steps away from target, close two setps, +2 MOD to attack, +2 MOD dodge/defend, or +1d6 daamge
3) Damage +1d6 Damage, -2 attack MOD
4) Killing Strike Damage is now R rather than G.

Martial Arts Kung Fu: Dragon Style-Speed
A style inspired by the flowing, circular motions, of a serpant or dragon.
Tertiary Traits:
Block +2 to Parry
Dragons Claw Power Blow -3 to attack, adds one I-Pt to results
Fast Attack +3 S-MOD vs Block or dodge, -3 SMOD for Damage

1) Whirlwind Attack every adjacent target, -1 MOD, with -1 per target past first. -3 MOD to all trauma rolled. Counts as two actions
2) Attack +2 to attack DR
3) Stunning Strike Target takes a -6 MOD for one impulse per wound through. EMO DR will negate the stun MODs.
4) Double Strike After successful attack,make second DR. If that DR is successful and overcome resistance, add 1d6 to first attacks damage.

This is an art developed by the underworld in Hong Kong and has spread throughout Asia. It involves martial arts manuvers to place a gun against a targets body and pulling the trigger. The point blank shots are additionally devastating (+1d6).
Tertiar traits
Link: Martial Attack/Gunshot
Parry +2 to Dodge
Damaging +1d6 for gun damage

The art emphasizes a non violent attitude, deflecting and redirecting the energy of an incomming attack. An akiedo practioner does not attack others, he lets their own attack defeat them.

Defense: +2 SMOD for Defense
Defend +1 to any defensive action
Sacrafice Ground A sacrifice damage move allows a character bonuses to perform any combative action, but the character finds itself prone in the process. The characters attack or defense option receives both a +2 modifier and a +2 special modifier. The character can opt to add the special modifier to the trauma total instead of the R#. As the character ends the action the character is laying on the ground.
1) Escape
2) Sword
3) Unarmed Parry

The best known of all martial arts. It has been practiced for centuries in mny different places.
Offense +2 SMOD for any attack
Defense +2 SMOD for any defensive action
Offside Attack./parry to side and rear without penalty

1) Damaging Add 1d6 damage, -2 MOD
2) Whirlwind Attack every adjacent target, -1 MOD, with -1 per target past first. -3 MOD to all trauma rolled. Counts as two actions
3) Attack +2 when attacking

Offense +2 SMOD for any attack
Defense +2 SMOD for any defensive action

1) Bo Staff
2) Power Blow +1 Impairment point damage, -3 Attack
3) Tonfa

Flaw: Distain for hand to hand combat, will work to use a weapon rather than fight hand to hand. (1)
Kung-Fu: Mantis
This style emphasizes blocking, clawing, grabbing and punching.
Defend +2 To parry
Defense +2 SMOD when defending
Lock: Character can grab and joint lock target in one action

1) Vs Mantis Style Kung-Fu users +2 MOD- Monster count
2) Fast Strike + SMOD for determining hit, -3 SMOD for determining damage
3) Damaging -3 MOD, for +1d6 Damage

Kung-Ku: Tiger
The style is based on the ripping power of a tiger. The style utilizes the hand in a raking, ripping, motions,. with palm heel strikes.
Power Blow 1 I-Pt, -3 MOD
Stunning Target takes a -6 MOD for one impulse per wound through. EMO DR will negate the stun MODs.
Offense +2 SMOD with attacks

1) Chinnese Broadsword (2d6+3 R, MIN STR 13)
2) Double Strike After successful attack,make second DR. If that DR is successful and overcome resistance, add 1d6 to first attacks damage.
3) Difficult to Block (1): -1 MOD, but receive a +2 SMOD for purposes of determining if they are blocked.

Kung-Fu: White Crane
A Tibetan style of kung-fu that is fast and confusing.
Defense +2 MOD when defending
Multi Attack Reroll first attack attempt, apply -1 to INIT MOD
Dodge +2 MOD when dodging

1) Whirlwind Attack every adjacent target, -1 MOD, with -1 per target past first. -3 MOD to all trauma rolled. Counts as two actions
2) Attack +2 MOD when attacking
3) Fast Strike + SMOD for determining hit, -3 SMOD for determining damage

This is a Japanese offshoot of Kung-Fu techniques.
Attack +2 to attack
Block +2 to parry
Throw Can grab target and throw on same action

1) Offside Attack to side and rear without penalty
2) Whirlwind Attack every adjacent target, -1 MOD, with -1 per target past first. -3 MOD to all trauma rolled. Counts as two actions
3) Yari: Spear techniques

Street fighting
While not a true martial art, this rough and tumble brawling style is very effective. It is can also be used with an assortment of small clubs, like chairs, chains, etc..

Power Blow 1 I-Pt, -3 MOD
Offense +2 SMOD with attacks
Resistance +3 to Resist damage mod vs one mode

1) Attack +2 to attack
2) Block +2 to parry
3) Throw Can grab target and throw on same action

Jeet Kune Do: This marital arts style was developed by the legendary Bruce Lee. A practioner of this art must constantly change their combat actions and should use athletic actions when ever possible.

Offense +2 SMOD for any attack
Defense +2 SMOD for any defensive action
Athletic Action:Make an athletic action DR to perfom some slick stunt. If successful, make an attack DR and receive one of the following: end two steps away from target, close two setps, +2 MOD to attack, +2 MOD dodge/defend, or +1d6 daamge

1) Offside Attack./parry to side and rear without penalty
2) Damaging Add 1d6 damage, -2 MOD
3) Whirlwind Attack every adjacent target, -1 MOD, with -1 per target past first. -3 MOD to all trauma rolled. Counts as two actions

Crime Plotline I
Your character is currently being blackmailed by The Organization. If the secret of your involvement with the Organization comes out, you will be ruined. If you dont go along with their representives plans, something terrible will befall your family. These people play for keeps.

Flaw: Obligation: To the Organization to protect your family (2)
Receive two traits. One possible trait is GUL-0 Lying.

Crime plotline II
Your character is currently working with the Organization. Your job is too see that the Organizations goals are met during this assignment. If there are others with criminal ties, you are in charge of them.
L-INF+3 The Organization +.15

Romantic Plotline
Your character is emotionally drawn towards one other character. If the character also has a romantic plotline, you receive a Gift W/ Loved One. (Grants a MODs when working with or for your loved one). If the character does not have a romantic plotline, but might recipicate, you receive a neutral emotional trait W/Loved One (Grants occasional modifiers when working for or with the loved one). If the character does not have a romantic plotline, and will not recipicate the affection, the character can opt to take any psychological flaw related to either the loved one or a Nemesis flaw for anyone who is the characters romantic tie.

Romantic Plotline II
Your character is emotionally drawn towards one other character. If the character also has a romantic plotline, you receive a Gift W/ Loved One. (Grants a MODs when working with or for your loved one). If the character does not have a romantic plotline, but might recipicate, you receive a neutral emotional trait W/Loved One (Grants occasional modifiers when working for or with the loved one). If the character does not have a romantic plotline, and will not recipicate the affection, the character can opt to take any psychological flaw related to either the loved one or a Nemesis flaw for anyone who is the characters romantic tie.

Martial I
The Character receive the Background: MA+1_____ +.15x. The possible trait for the background is based on the character. Several options are Trained in special Dojo, Extra Study, Member of a Univeristy Team.

Martial II:
The character studied martial arts in the highly respected Golden Dragon Dojo. The character recieves the following background.
BKG: Trained in Venerable Dojo MA+2 _____, _____, SOC-0 Martial World +.30x +1 Rep

Martial III
Your Martial Arts are for show, not for combat. The character recieves the flaw: Martial: Competition only. The character takes a -2 MOD when in actual combat. The character recieves two additional traits, plus the martial trait Style-allowing for excellent looking martial arts.

Martial IV
You have studied under the Great Teacher: Fan Ton. You have received special knowledge from him. Your martial arts have the folowing additional traits: Ghost Punch and Soul Spear The Ghost Punch allows you to strike spirits more effectively. The Soul sphere allows you to hurl damage at spirit and supernatural things. Both cost manna to use and are power difficulty four.
You have the flaw: Nemesis: Enemies of the Master Fan Ton. (2)

Martial V:/
You are a secret member of the Golden Wheel Temple. It is a religious order which fights to prevent supernatural forces from gaining access to our sphere. There are many organizations which your order opposes, the Students of Fan Ton, Jade Pillars, and the Tiger Tong.
Temple Member: FOC+2 _____, _____ vows related to temple (-1) +.2x

Mystic I
Magik and all the jazz is a bunch of supersitious shit. The character has never seen and will not believe in paranormal events. It will find a way to rationalize these problems away. The character recieves
Flaw: Can not believe in Paranormal. (2) Receives two extra traits
BKG: Immune to paranormal L-POW+3 Resisting Power +3x.

Mystic II
The character has ESP and receives psychic flashes. Just before the storm hits, ask the GM for your first flash.

BKG: ESP ESP+3 Danger Sense, Nemesis Forces of the paranormal (2) +.2x

Mystic III/Religious
The character is a member of the Golden Pillars, a secret society that protects the world from Things of the Other Spheres The society has ancient texts that suggest that this island is the Temple of Rom Kaur, a surviving place from the worlds previous cycle. The temple could hold the keys that unlock the Oni of the Third Ring and allow humankind to defend themselves against them. Your job is to snoop around and find out the truth. If it is the truth, your mission includes preventing anyone from discovering it (sabotaging the dig is okay) . You must prevent the Oni from escaping before the means of defending against them are discovered. You have an ancient talism related to Rom Kaur. It has a tigers face. Only the most heroic must use it to unlock the means of defense.

BKG: Golden Pillat FOC+1 Body Control, INF+2 Secret Society, CON+1 Secret Society +.45x
Fencing School I
You attended the School deSable. This is one of the finest Fencing Schools in the Country. You have a friendly rivalry with students of the School DeChevon:
BKG: School deSable COM+3 Fencing, Leaping +.35x

Fencing School II
You attended the School deSable. This is one of the finest Fencing Schools in the Country. You have a friendly rivalry with students of the School DeChevon:
BKG School deSable COM+1 Fencing, CON-0 School Mates +.2x

Fencing School III
You attended the School deChevron. This is one of the finest Fencing Schools in the Country. You have a serious rivalry with any students of the School deSable:
BKG School DeChevron COM+1 Fencing, Two Weapon use CON-0 School Mates, Rivalry School deSable (-1) +.2x

Fencing School IV:
You were trained by a fencing master not associated with one of Guallias grand schools. Few believe you are a fencer of note, though a few more might after they see you fight. You receive the traits Fencing for your combative AoE and receive the Flaw: Reputation: People do not believe in your fighting ability (-1)

Romantic Plotline
Your character is emotionally drawn towards one other character. If the character also has a romantic plotline, you receive a Gift W/ Loved One. (Grants a MODs when working with or for your loved one). If the character does not have a romantic plotline, but might recipicate, you receive a neutral emotional trait W/Loved One (Grants occasional modifiers when working for or with the loved one). If the character does not have a romantic plotline, and will not recipicate the affection, the character can opt to take any psychological flaw related to either the loved one or a Nemesis flaw for anyone who is the characters romantic tie.

Romantic Plotline II
Your character is emotionally drawn towards one other character. If the character also has a romantic plotline, you receive a Gift W/ Loved One. (Grants a MODs when working with or for your loved one). If the character does not have a romantic plotline, but might recipicate, you receive a neutral emotional trait W/Loved One (Grants occasional modifiers when working for or with the loved one). If the character does not have a romantic plotline, and will not recipicate the affection, the character can opt to take any psychological flaw related to either the loved one or a Nemesis flaw for anyone who is the characters romantic tie.

Religion I
You went through the chuch and had a formal education. During that time, you developed a strong faith.
Receive BKG: Formal Education KNW+1 Formal Education Gift: Strong Faith (A bonus every time your faith is tested). +.2x

Religion II
You went through the chuch and had a formal education. You were taught everything a priest needed to know. However, something occurred in your life and now you do not have faith in The Church. While you pay lipservice to the Church, you are not a believer
Receive BKG: Clerical Education KNW+2 Formal Education Flaw: No Faith +.2x

Religion III
You are a follower of the Old Religion. You are an active member of the local Drudic Circle. You may pay lip service to the Church and even pretend to be faithful, but your heart is one with the Old Gods.
BKG: Druidic Follower: SUR+1 Forest, Allies Druid Followers (2), Nemesis Church (-2) +.1x

You can take the following BKG as well
BKG: Formal Education KNW+1 Formal Education

Witchblood I
You are not a Witchblood, but you know several who are. You help them avoid persecutions form the church, as part of the Tunnel (this worlds equivalent of the underground railroad).
BKG: Tunnel Member POW-0 Sensitivity (2) , Allies Tunnel (1), Allies Witchblood (2), Nemesis The Church (-2) Secret Tunnel Member (-1) +.1x

Witchblood II
You have an active hatred of the Witchblood. Because of them, your mother was burned as a heretic. You hope to help the church burn all of those God Forsaken bastards. Gift: Hatred of Witchblood (Granting you a bonus when dealing with them)

Witchblood III
You receive one CHA flaw trait Red/Blond hair or Green/Gold Eyes. For your troubles you only receive one other trait and no powers

Witchblood IV
You are a witchblood. You are not very active in the Community, so you know few, if any in the area. Take the background
Witchblood POW+2 Hand (Telekinesis) and take one flaw, either Red/Blond hair or Green/Gold Eyes. CON-0 Tunnel Secret Witchblood (-1) +.2x
Noble I
You are a minor noble, receive the BKG: Noble INF+1Noble +.1x

Noble II
You are a noble, receive the BKG: Noble INF+2 Noble, CRT+1 Politics +.3x

Noble III
You are a poor noble, high in rank, low in funds. You must choose to be a Blue or a Green. BKG: Noble L-INF+3 Noble, CRT+2 Courtly Life Nemesis Count Dumas (-1) +.25x

Experience: War
You have seen combat durring one of the numerous campaigns in the last few years. You took control of a unit and led them to victory. Take the BKG
BKG: Northlander Campaign COM+2 Soldier, S/T+3 Warfare, Flaw Scar (-1) +.40

Experience: Country
You have spent many wonderful summers in the country, with more rustic cousins.
BKG: SUR+2 Hunting, ANI+2 Horses, ATH+1 Outdoor living, CRT-1 +35x

Experience: Aristocracy
You have relatives that are highly placed in the nobility. While you might not have a title, spending time with them has been very enlightening about the ways of court.
BKG: Aristocracic Cousins CRT+3 Court Life, COM-1 Nobles do not fight with weapons Gift: Staunch Blue (1), and Nemesis: Enemies of your Cousins (-1) +.15x

Experience Court
You have spent some time in court and picked up a few things, including an enemy or two.
CRT-0 Courtly Life CRT-0 Politics CRT-0Who is who, CRT-0Style
NemesisBlues (-1), Nemesis DeArgent (-1), Nemisis Romantic Rival

Blues: A conservative faction at court.
Castelean Oris: The man in charge of Crowns head. He deals with all the mundane details of the palace and court. Though getting on in years, he still cuts a noble figure. A blue.
Church, The: The one and only church of the Civilized world. A Christian church, that for the most part practices what it preaches. Set up along the lines of the Catholic church of the Renaissance period, it has monks, priests, curates, bishops, and a Pope. For centuries, it has defended the people from the Evil manifested by the Old Faith (The Druidic church) and the Witchblood (those of unholy power).
Crowns Head: The Kings Palace in the City of Pari.
Count M Dumas: The most powerful man at court. While universally disliked, he has always worked in the best interests of the State and the Crown. Between his wealth, his diplomatic connections, his alleged network of spies, and his connection with the Church, he may be the most powerful man in all of Gaullia, and one of the most powerful men in Europa.
Druids: Those that practice a religion that proceeds the coming of the Son. The church has pushed the Druidic faith underground. To worship the old way, is to Excommunicated from the True Faith and exiled from Civilized man. Druidic worship centers around the worship of every spirit in the sphere of the world and the natural cycles. Druids have limited magikal abilities, but can coax spirits to do their bidding. Like all things, Druidic powers can be used for good or ill. Those of Druidic power called forth the beings that spawned the Witchbloods long ago. Being tied to the Druids has not helped the Witchbloods any.
Guallia: One of the Greater Western Nations. It stands in the center between The mighty Espana (west), the Germanti principalities (east), The Isles (north and across the sea), and The princedoms of Italia (south and east).
Greens: A reform movement supported by some nobles, merchants, and peasants. The greens wish to redistribute wealth by changing the way taxes are collected and noble favors are traded.
Heir Ceremony: The ceremony that officially makes a candidate for the crown, the official heir. Margarette is soon to have her ceremony.
Honor: A concept that is very vogue all through out Europa. It includes always doing the morally right thing, always keeping a promise, respecting the weak, and giving due to a superior.
Lady Marie DeLloraine: A crusader at court. This young woman has taken her fathers place as the head of a reform movement (The Greens)
King Louis II: The current Monarch. An older man who has his share of eccentricities. He is a good and just King. He is still morning the loss of his wife, gone these past six years. Despite his councilors advising towards a political marriage, he refuses to consider idea. He flirts with the ladies, plays with the children, and plays dice with the old men. Many think him a fool. He is much more cunning than people give him credit for.
Pari: The Kings city in Guallia.
Princess Margarette: A beautiful young girl, becoming a beautiful lady. She has been sheltered, perhaps a bit overmuch, by her father.
Teree: The world. An Earth alternate sphere where the Eurasian continent has fewer mountains and fewer mountain chains that run north south. It has recovered from the fall of the Romani civilization and the Middle Ages, and is now filled with an emerging Renaissance society. The political scene is one of many nation states, each with a long history and older grudges. Welcome to a world of political intrigue.
Witchbloods: Those with the ability to work magik. They are condemned by the church as being the descendants of human deamon matings. Those with Witchblood hide their abilities or face the wrath of the Church. Most people fear the Witchbloods and help the Church hunt them down. Other, kinder souls (or those who seek to use them), secretly help Witchbloods escape the Inquisition. It is rumored that the Witchbloods have formed a secret society to protect themselves and eventually destroy the church. Physically, Witchbloods tend to have reddish blond hair and green gold eyes. However, they can have any appearance.
Yellows: A fanciful group. They are allied to have splendid parties, hear wonderful music, and ignore the bleetings of the Blues and the Greens. These fluffy nobles wish to ignore politics.

Type: JOCK I Brad
EP MOD (1x) Level Boon Traits
14 PHY +4/8- Buff Toughness
15 DEX +5/9- Quick on his Feet Chemistry
14 MEN +4/8- Bright CHA Trait: Great Body
10 EMO +3/7-
10 MPY +3/7- Lucky Stars
15 CHA +5/9- Damm good looking

Archetype: Jock
CoreFocus: ATH Football +COM Brawling+CMU Leader

Jocks work well with each other

Flaw: Need to prove he is the best at everything (2)

Type: Jock II Eddie Santiago
EP MOD (.6x) Level Boon Traits
11 PHY +3/7 Thin Jumping
20 DEX +6/10- Faster than Lightning Tougher than you
10 MEN +3/7- Street Smarts Quick eyes too
9 EMO +3/7- Low Self Esteem Knife Fighting
12 MPY +4/8- Catholic Hand Gun
9 CHA +3/7- Quiet

Archetype: Jock
CoreFocus ATH Running +COM Street Fighting

Jocks work well with each other

Flaw: Minor Outcast

Type: Jock III Tank
EP MOD (.9x) Level Boon Traits
15 PHY +5/9- Tank PHY Massive
12 DEX +4/8- Who knew he could move Throwing
10 MEN +3/7- School Smart CON: Drugdealers
11 EMO +3/7- Stubborn
11 MPY +3/7- Cursed
6 CHA +2/6- Scary in a teddybear way

Archetype: Jock
CoreFocus: ATH Football+F-ATH Tougher+ COM Brawling

Jocks work well with each other

Type: Cheer I April
EP MOD (1x) Level Boon Traits
10 PHY +3/7- Athletic CMU: Voice
12 DEX +4/8- Graceful Running
12 MEN +4/8- Cunning Tougher than you are
12 EMO +4/8- Driven choose
12 MPY +4/8- Lucky
16 CHA +5/9- Supermodel

Archetype: Cheerleader
CoreFocus: ATH Cheer +PRF Cheer +Luck things go her way

Cheers work well with each other

Flaw: Either Bitchy or Perfectionist -1
Gift: Posse (small group who does things for her)

Type: Cheer II Becky
EP MOD (.35x) Level Boon Traits
12 PHY +4/8- Athletic Gymnastics
15 DEX +5/9- Balance of a Cat Rom: dating
8 MEN +2/6- At least I am pretty Rock Climbing
6 EMO +2/6- Christian ***
5 MPY +1/5- Shadowed Buy off Follower flaw
10 CHA +3/7- Pretty

Archetype: Cheer
CoreFocus ATH Cheer +PRF Cheer

Cheers work well with each other

Flaw: Follower -2

Type: Cheer III
EP MOD (.95x) Level Boon Traits
11 PHY +3/8- Toned History
12 DEX +4/8- Graceful Dex: Fast
16 MEN +5/9- Genius MEN: Perceptive
12 EMO +4/8-Will Power
11 MPY +3/7- Catholic
12 CHA +4/8- Cute

CoreFocus ATH Cheer +PRF Cheer+KNW AP Everything

Cheers work well with each other

Type: Gamer I GM
EP MOD (.5x) Level Boon Traits
10 PHY +3/7- Small DEC: Hide
10 DEX +3/7- Hand Eye coordination KNW: Magic
11 MEN +3/7- Trivia KNW: FolkLore
9 EMO +3/7- I will do it later KNW: Linear Algebra
10 MPY +3/7- Lucky ATH: Climbing
10 CHA +3/7- Average

Archetype: Gamer
CoreFocus: KNW History+ DEC Move Quiety

Flaw: Outcast, major -2 Take two traits
Buddy with the Other gamer if he is in play

Type: Gamer II Simulationist
EP MOD (.95x) Level Boon Traits
14 PHY +4/8- Ripped Toughness
15 DEX +5/9- Quick on his Feet Karate
15 MEN +4/8- Bright KNW: History
10 EMO +3/7- Slacker KNW: Chemistry
10 MPY +3/7- often unlucky
12 CHA +4/8- Cute

Archetype: Gamers
CoreFocus: COM Swords +ATH Strong +PER Sharp Eyes

Flaw: Outcast, major -2 Take two traits
Buddy with the Other gamer if he is in play

Type: Nice Girl
EP MOD (1.1x) Level Boon Traits
11 PHY +3/8- Toned Rock Climbing
12 DEX +4/8- Graceful Track and Field
14 MEN +4/8- Smart Enough Rifle
12 EMO +4/8-Empathic Luck Boys
11 MPY +3/7- Christian
12 CHA +4/8- Cute

Archetype: Student
CoreFocus: SUR Forest+ATH Tennis +L-COM Self Defense
+Luck Dodge

Type: Brain
EP MOD (.8x) Level Boon Traits
7 PHY +2/6- Small Electronics
12 DEX +4/8- Tech fingers SCI: Chemistry
15 MEN +5/9- problem solver ATH: Climbing airducts
10 EMO +3/7-
10 MPY +3/7-
10 CHA +3/7-

Archetype: Student
CoreFocus: KNW+TEC+SCI Computers

Note: not your conventional smart kid/

secret: Secret Practical Joker -1
Outcast minor -1

Type: Alternate Sun Child
EP MOD (1.15) Level Boon Traits
12 PHY +4/8- Healthy KNWMagic
12 DEX +4/8- Yoga Body Control
12 MEN +4/8- Cosmic ATH Rock Climbing
12 EMO +4/8- Wicca
16 MPY +5/9- In tune
12 CHA +4/8- Pretty Eyes

Archetype: New Ager
CoreFocus: FOC Meditation+ ESP+ATH Yoga +KNW History

Outcast minor -1

Type:Alternate II Punk
EP MOD (.8x) Level Boon Traits
13 PHY +4/8- Big Knife
13 DEX +4/8- fast reflexes PRF Voice
10 MEN +3/7- Average CHA Good Looking
11 EMO +3/7- sociopath
9 MPY +3/7- Average
15 CHA +5/9- Scary

CoreFocus: COM Brawling +L-ATH Tough +PRF Guitar

You would be a minor outcast, but everyone respects you way outness too much.

The character of the player across from you is your rival. Gain EPs for showing them up.

The character of the player across from you is your rival. Gain EPs for showing them up.

Friendly Rival
You have a friendly rivalry going on with the person to your left. Showing off is fun.

Relationship -Sibling
You are the Older Sibling to the PC to your right
They automatically become the younger sibling

Relationship -Sibling
You are the Younger Sibling to the PC to your right
They automatically become the older sibling. You can blackmail them into doing things for you.

Relationship Tight
You are either buddies or romantically attached to the person to you right. Receive a +1 when doing thing for your buddy. If they have a relationship card, they automatically have the same for you. Work out the type of relationship with them.

Relationship Tight
You are either buddies or romantically attached to the person to you right. Receive a +1 when doing thing for your buddy. If they have a relationship card, they automatically have the same for you. Work out the type of relationship with them.

Relationship Loose
You are either buddies or romantically attached to the person to you left. Earn extra eps when acting in your friends best interest. They can opt to have the same relationship with you. Work out the type of relationship with them.

Relationship Loose
You are either buddies or romantically attached to the person to you left. Earn extra eps when acting in your friends best interest. They can opt to have the same relationship with you. Work out the type of relationship with them.

The character of the player across from you is your rival. Gain EPs for showing them up.

The character of the player across from you is your rival. Gain EPs for showing them up.

Friendly Rival
You have a friendly rivalry going on with the person to your left. Showing off is fun.

Relationship -Sibling
You are the Older Sibling to the PC to your right
They automatically become the younger sibling

Relationship -Sibling
You are the Younger Sibling to the PC to your right
They automatically become the older sibling. You can blackmail them into doing things for you.

Relationship Tight
You are either buddies or romantically attached to the person to you right. Receive a +1 when doing thing for your buddy. If they have a relationship card, they automatically have the same for you. Work out the type of relationship with them.

Relationship Tight
You are either buddies or romantically attached to the person to you right. Receive a +1 when doing thing for your buddy. If they have a relationship card, they automatically have the same for you. Work out the type of relationship with them.

Relationship Loose
You are either buddies or romantically attached to the person to you left. Earn extra eps when acting in your friends best interest. They can opt to have the same relationship with you. Work out the type of relationship with them.

Relationship Loose
You are either buddies or romantically attached to the person to you left. Earn extra eps when acting in your friends best interest. They can opt to have the same relationship with you. Work out the type of relationship with them.

Pink: You are a member of the Cheersquad that does not identify themselves as a Cheermember. You have a development set of ATH+1 Cheer +PRF+1 Cheer(+.25x). You now work well with the Cheer team. If you are a member already, take this as a CheerCamp development set with Jumping and Calling as the traits.

Yellow: Sorry, you have the Flaw: Afraid of weird shit -2 You are always running away or trying avoid the weird shit that is going on. The good point is you have two extra traits to play with.

Red: Doomed: You have the three trait flaw Doomed. You will die early on and in a spectacular manner. You may win the game by having a truly dramatic death and earning EPs for that.

Green: Lucky: Lucky+2 Irish +.2x
The luck of the Irish is with you. Try to survive with it.

Blue +3 to your CHA Stat. You are now one of the Pretty People. You also have L-INF students in your CoreFocus. You are now in charge of the school, socially speaking.

Gold I L-INF+2 Money. You have money and a lot of it. +.2x

Gold II L-INF+1 Money Mall You have a job in the mall. You know ins and outs of the place and often wheel and deal with other mall employees for discounts, items and thi8ngs.

Black: You are going to be a PC Zombie, the most dangerous kind.

Orange: DEX+6 with two more dexterity related traits. +.2x

Purple: Leader S/T+1 In charge and +3 to CHA for a total of .2x EP MOD.

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