Matter Converter Reactors (MCRs): 100 word piece of Sci-Fi Minutia
When a future imagines something as fantastic as faster than light travel it has also to imagine a fantastic power source.
Matter converter reactors (MCRs) generate energy by completely breaking down non-metallic matter into particles that effectively have no mass. MCRs move material through a series sub-atomic catalytic fields. This stepwise process releases many times the energy than nuclear chain reactions from the same material. MCRs have to be precisely calibrated to a single fuel molecule to maintain a controlled reaction. Coarse MCRs are a less efficient design that filters out impurities and uses the most common molecule in heterogeneous mixtures. Even the most advanced Dynastic reactor cannot contain a reaction chain of metals or other such relatively unstable nuclei.
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? Responses (3)

And what with coefficent of efficenty? You must spend lots of energy just to break particles

The assumption must be that the catalytic fields require less energy than is released by the reaction.

Nothing wrong with it, though if consistency is important, I would suggest it be preferred to feed it monoatomic plasma of a standard input gas. It's relatively easy to sort by mass spectrometry, doesn't take that much juice to make, and it's... harder to feed it bizaare isomeric chemistries.