
In Greek antiquity, a Caryatid is a support pillar carved in the likeness of a woman. Caryatids are feminine-coded stone constructs. The term can be used loosely for any animated creature with a female form.

Atlantids, Atlas, or Telamon

The masculine-coded version of a Caryatid. It is worth noting that stat-wise, there is no difference between an animated stone woman or animated stone man when it comes to combat.

Petromach, Petramach, Petromachy

Literally Stone Combatant, this term removes the architectural aspect of Caryatids and Atlantids, but retains the fact that these are stone warriors. Keromach is made of clay, metallomach is made of some sort of metal, and then if specific metals are wanted, then just grab the Latin version of that specific metal.

Stone Warriors

Sometimes you don't need a specific term for an animated monster made for violent purposes, if is enough to start with the main material followed by the intended purpose. The idea here comes from the terracotta army found in the tomb of Chinese Emperor Qin Shi Huang. General purpose are Stone Soldiers, or Terracotta Guards, Iron Footmen. Specialists have similar themes, like Gold General, or Iron Linebreaker.


In Greek mythology, Talus was a bronze man who defended Crete from pirates. The notion here isn't so much using Talus, but making up a heroic historical figure, giving them a great defender/invulnerable warrior mythos, and then establishing and using their name as a replacement for golem.

Kashin Dhoro was a renowned warrior who had peerless mastery of armor and could move in his legendary-level superheavy dungeon-sourced armor like a child at play. Being mortal, he eventually retired from the great raids, started a family, built a home, and eventually died of old age. With his legacy, animated metal statues were created in the Free City of Khatayin and were known as Dhorons.


Just a straight up name swap out. Giant could also be used, but giants are a common species in fantasy lit. Titans also show up, but they are much less common and are either divine in nature, or are elite tier giants. 

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