1-The Classic Fantasy Economy 

In this one the currency is coins of copper, silver or gold, and there are jewels to be mined, brought, stolen or looted that can be worth hundreds of gold pieces each. If gold is common currency in a country then it will be worth much less then in a country where gold is rare.


A mixture of physical cash and debit/credit cards. Physical cash is great for financial privacy and for knowing exactly how much you are spending, but it can’t be spent online, robbers and thieves can steal it and in some circumstances the police can confiscate it as well.

Non physical cash is harder for robbers to steal directly, and the police can rarely justify seizing it, but it has downsides too. Hackers and fraudsters can get their criminal hands on it, the government knows what you are buying, and it is easy to overspend because you don’t know exactly how much money you have unless you check your account often.


Here all cash is electronic, which means that the government knows exactly how much money people have, and an oppressive government can freeze someone’s account making them an economic unperson. Executing or jailing someone can often backfire and make them a martyr, and jail is expensive for the government, whilst making someone a pauper costs nothing, and their filthy homeless bodies are as much of a deterrent as decomposing bodies in gibbet cages were in the distant past. Even more so if the only outright homeless people are those who fell foul of the government.

Governments with this economic system can also make money expire after a certain amount of time, forcing people to buy things or lose their money, and preventing most people from ever being able to afford to buy a house for themselves, keeping them dependent on either the government, private landlords or both for housing. Even very wealthy people can have their bank accounts frozen at the flick of a switch.


Here time has been converted into money, literally. People get it by working, as gifts from family members or illegally by stealing it, and they buy things with it. Some random prices of things

An apple-1 minute 
A used car-1 year
A cremation-3 years 
A burial-6 years to a century, depending on how long you want the grave to be undisturbed.
A house-a century 
A mansion-1000 years.

People get 21 years of free time when born, but need to get the rest in other ways. They don’t age past 21 but if they run out of all their time they die on the spot.

5-Mana Rocks

Here everyone is taught a few basic spells , mages and witches just know more magic than anyone else, and magical rocks that power the spells are the currency and are mined in a few very well guarded places.


Communism, where the government tries to do the free market’s job-and normally fails badly in providing consumer goods. Those at the top do well and have everything they want because of corruption and those at the bottom do better than they would under capitalism, but everyone else does badly.

7-Swapping Things

Perhaps the society is in the Stone Age, has regressed because of a nuclear war, or hyperinflation has gone out of control and effectively made the currency worthless, and people have to swap things and barter to get what they want. It’s not a very efficient economic system.

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