“ Woodrats - In a fantasy realm of cooshee (elven dogs/cats) it is to be expected that there is some sort of elven vermin. These mercurial rats are lightning quick, and are capable of hiding in plain sight. Other than this, they have no special ability.”
“ Image
These gentle relatives of the squid is being hunted to extinction. The reason for this is that their brain matter can be used to create potions of esp at 1/3 the cost.They will not even fight back until they have lost 25% of their HP
Flying slowly
4 tenticel attacks for d6 each
ac 3
10 hit die”
“ The Wizard-Brewers of the Old Empire stored memories in bottles of mead, passing their brightest ideas, most subtle magics, and most important decisions on to their heirs in bottles of oddly-flavored honey-wine. A cache of these ancient magical vintages has been unearthed, but does anyone dare drink from it? The ancient mead's creator is a complete mystery, as are the thoughts he left behind.”