“ Arakis's zombie problem went largely ignored, because it was believed that the Shai-Hulud (sand worms) would effectively dispose of the undead walkers. Unfortunately the problem grew until the roving herds of sunburnt ghouls threatened the flow of spice. While observing one of the great reanimated masses over take a Harvester from the safety of an ornithopter, an Imperial Zoologists noted that the sand caked flesh eating revenants walked entirely without rhythm.
Shortly after receiving this report the Bene Gesserits claimed to have a solution to Arakis's hellish resurrections. They asserted to the agents of the great houses that the worms could be drawn to the walkers using an ancient sonic weapon. According to the sisters, exposing the zombies to an antediluvian ballad composed by the great master M. Jackson would force them to step in time.”
“ A cult's theology is binding on the god involved: it is possible for that god to believe (and <b>see</b>, just like Winston Smith in 1984) that other gods are mythical, or jumped-up demons, or failing older spirits, even while those gods actually exist and thrive and act in the cosmos, even while working against him.”
“ A traditionalist nation that scorns ranged combat is famed for its innovations in body armor and shields capable of blocking all kinds of projectiles and withstanding explosions. The purpose of this armor is to allow one to get close enough to an enemy for melee combat. Conversely it is also famed for its innovations in melee weapons capable of destroying all kinds of body armor and shields to effectively defeat its enemies.”