This beautifully made longsword is of obvious Elven manufacture. Runes line its mithral blade.

The blade's entire history is unknown, though it is surmised that it's forging happened in the last age as a last-ditch weapon of the Elves against other planar invaders. Though it worked beautifully (fitting for an Elvish blade), it's wielders all died. Mostly noble deaths, but the remaining historical accounts say that all who wielded the sword died in combat. Which is how it earned the names Martyr's Blade and Hero's Sword.

Its history is checkered with people (notably Trevor) using the sword and dying in the process - truly a series of pyrrhic victories.

Trevor's tale brought on the sobriquets Trevor's Folly and Fooldoom. Trevor was a mighty warrior, who was of the 'hit it very hard' school of fighting. Years of fighting coupled with bad genetics resulted in his selective hearing of the tales of the Martyr's Blade. All he saw was its great power.

So he acquired the blade through wealth and stealth. Upon finally receiving it, he took it to a private courtyard to test its might. Striking a tree as hard as he could, Trevor recoiled from a crushing wound. Thinking that he was set upon by invisible enemies (of which he had many), he proceeded to battle them as best he could.

Inevitably, the Hero's Sword found its mark against a tree, stone, or wall furthering Trevor's belief of attack. As might be imagined, Trevor died of the wounds received that day. Bards particularly like retelling his tale, as the song of Fooldoom.

Some mock those that carry it, others praise them for their willingness to die for a cause. In the end, it is the bards who decide the results of those who carried the Martyr's Blade.

Magical Properties:

The Martyr's Blade ALWAYS hits, regardless of Damage Reduction. In addition, it ALWAYS deals maximum damage.

Any damage dealt by the Martyr's Blade is also dealt to its wielder. This damage to the wielder cannot be protected against, nor can it be circumvented in any way.

Additionally, the damage dealt to the target AND the wielder can ONLY be healed naturally - no magic can be used except to stabilize someone who drops below 0 HP.

Those who use this blade willingly are blessed by the deities of Good, and welcomed into their halls. Subsequently, they cannot be raised, animated, or resurrected by anything short of a True Resurrection followed by a Miracle.

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