Known by many names, Breath Stealer, Silent Stalker, Stalker, Sleep Stalker, Sleep Stealer, among others; they are a nightmarish creature associated with air elementals. They are angry and malevolent wishing nothing other than to feed off the life force of those who can not defend themselves. They average to be about 4' tall but are hard to determine a proper height for them since they are like the shadows. They are dark grey and appear to be made of shadow and smoke, their form always shifting and blending into their surroundings.

They live and thrive off of the essence of others. Sleep Stalkers are one of the more rare of the air elementals to find. They are one of the few elementals that can arrive when another elemental is summoned, seldom are they actually summoned on their own as they are difficult to control and work with. They piggy back with the other elementals, usually acting as a shadow of sorts and then leaving at the first opportunity. Since they were not the summoned elemental they are not bound to the caster who did the summoning.

They scour the world feeding off of individuals that are sleeping. They siphon off an individuals mental energy and feed. This mental energy is in the form of the beings sanity and will to live, once that is depleted and gone the victim lapses into a coma like sleep and dies shortly after, their body choosing to let it self go. The being does not have to be asleep or immobile; they simply choose to have victims who don't realize what is going on until it is too late. This is why a lot of children and young babies are found dead in the middle of the night without marks or signs of a reason to their death.

Tales and stories are told to children to make them behave and keep them in line. Act right or the stalkers will steal your breath and take your soul in your sleep. Then you return to torture others by stealing their breath trying to find your own. That is a common saying or punishment defense.

Many folklore and myths and tales have ways to keep them at bay and free from your home. Cow tongue nailed to the door every moon night (full moon), the blood of a sheep spread across the threshold and window panes of every window in the home. Close and lock the doors and windows before night fall so they can not enter unhindered. If a door needs to be open after dark, then light must bath the entryway for at least five feet beyond the door to keep the stalker at bay.

Most of these are untrue and do not work. The bathing of blood and the locking of doors however seems to be true as they can not seem to pass through closed portals, doors and windows as well as cross over the spilled blood of the meak.

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