Inside the Tabernacle of Discrete Amusement is a secret passage that connects to a secret hackerspace run by the Guild of Technomancers. This facility which is codenamed “Eternal Blue” is not connected to the main hackerspace known to the public in the city. It is completely independent from it.

The purpose of this secret hackerspace is to research and develop zero-day exploits, malware, and other hacking tools. The only people in the Guild of Technomancers that know about this place are members of the Cyber Knights group. Security is tight and there has been no successful unauthorized access since it was constructed.

Prince Willem Cobalt, founder of the tabernacle knows about this hackerspace but can do nothing about it because the Guild is holding something over his head. The Guild of Technomancers has concrete evidence that succubi and incubi are summoned at the establishment. If such evidence were to ever find its way into the hands of the Holy Paladins of the Cleansing Flame, it would result in the place getting shut down, everyone who is allowed to enter being forced to repent for their sins, and the prince himself being put to the sword for extreme heresy.

The prince knows that if this were to happen, there will be no help from the Royal Forces because his father King Robert Cobalt considers the tabernacle to be a stain on the family name and reputation. When he asked the king for help if the Paladins attacked, he got a reply that basically said “If your little den of inequity attracts the wrath of the Cleansing Flame, then you are on your own!”

The tools that are made at the Eternal Blue hackerspace have been used in cyber ops all over the kingdom. Many villains and infamous individuals have been brought to justice as a result of these ops and thus the king finds them to be in his favor. The only technomancers that work at the Eternal Blue hackerspace are ones who have official invitations to the tabernacle and are fully vetted members of the Cyber Knights.

Hidden security cameras that blend in with the stone carvings monitor the area around the secret passage to the hackerspace. The secret passage itself is located in a far off room that no one is likely to check. To access the passage, you must close the door to this room and then look directly into the eyes of a specific statue in the room. Then you must press a secret button on the underside of the pedestal the statue stands on.

This locks the door to the room and activates the biometric scanner that will verify your identity. Upon a successful verification, one of the stone walls will quietly slide away to reveal an armored security door that requires a 4 digit code to open. Once inside the passage, the door and the wall will quietly slide back into place and the room will unlock. After descending three flights of stairs, you will have to open another armored security door using a hand scanner. This will allow you into the hackerspace proper.

The Eternal Blue hackerspace is monitored by security cameras that watch every inch of the place from the secret passage to the backrooms. There are many computer labs and server rooms where the work is done. Due to the dangerous nature of the stuff that is made in this place, the entire underground building is air-gapped with TEMPEST Shielding to prevent the escape of malware. There are also two security offices that allow one to watch the camera feeds and control the security systems in the hackerspace.

When there is no one inside the hackerspace, the entire place is secured with laser grids and motion sensors. If any of these sensors are triggered, the hackerspace goes into lockdown. The lockdown protocol activates the security alarms, blocks all the doorways with armored shutters, and shuts down and encrypts the computers and servers to prevent a breach. The security drones will then deal with the intruders. After there are no intruders detected, the lockdown will deactivate automatically. This lockdown protocol can also be activated and deactivated manually from the security offices.

A CO2 based fire suppression system will activate when the fire alarms are triggered. All of the doors will automatically unlock for evacuation. This is for safety reasons as concentrated CO2 is lethal.

Three other secret passages exist that lead to other parts of the tabernacle and one to a location just outside it. But don’t bother trying to enter the hackerspace via those routes. Those are emergency exits that can only be opened from the inside.

PC Plot Hooks:

Infiltration: The Eternal Blue hackerspace has never has successful intrusion before. If your PCs are nosy and love poking around in restricted areas, then they can try to enter the hackerspace if they can find it. Good luck to them. They will really need it.

Theft: There is something that needs to be retrieved that can only be found in the Eternal Blue hackerspace. Therefore it is up to the PCs to sneak in and obtain this thing without getting caught. If you do get caught, you are pretty much screwed.

Rescue Mission: The tabernacle is under attack and there are people trapped inside the Eternal Blue hackerspace and all of the exits are blocked. The Guild of Technomancers has asked the PCs to get inside and help them escape.

Fink Rat: The Prince is planning on spilling the beans about the Eternal Blue hackerspace. The Guild of Technomancers has been alerted to this and will send the evidence of heresy to the Holy Paladins of the Cleansing Flame. The PCs can do nothing, stop the evidence from reaching the Cleansing Flame (The impossible challenge mode), defend the tabernacle when the paladins attack, or assist in the sending of the evidence.

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